Who's poisoning Fiona?

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Huria was intrigued about what Victor told Fiona on her sickbed before they were asked to leave at the time when she got worse , couldn't believe it Victor was really coming back to the university for his next semester , after a call from his mother ,both decided to go to a cafeteria to relax . Huria asked him if he was really coming back .

"I was serious about that when I was talking to Fiona , am coming back . I thought I would be there for Devon , trying to help him throughout his recovery but Devon decided to leave and recover from another country , being a doctor it's something I've always wanted , kinda relieved that now am clear about what exactly I want but what worries me is how am going to explain this to my mother and my father."

"I'm glad you've made this decision , we've been missing you here specifically me , go and talk to your parents , am pretty sure they'll understand you ."

"I'm going to talk to them right now ." He stood up to leave . "By the way , what's up with Natalia? haven't seen her around for the past few days ?"

"I last heard that she was trying to get in touch with the father of her daughter ." She stood up too to follow him

Natalia was at her well organized house with her mother , she'd bought a laptop, laid it on the table in the living room , the two were trying to connect to a man named 'Francisco' Luciana's father via Skype . Luciana's father lived in Madrid Spain , for the past few days Natalia and her mother have been trying to contact him but he wasn't at home at the address he gave , sent him emails but never replied , fortunately this time around as Huria and Victor talked about her . Francisco was home with girl , he answered their call via Skype . Natalia told him she wanted to spend sometime with her child , both were missing her in Bogota , he asked her how he could let his daughter get back to Bogota in their house while it was a mess .

"The house is clean , am going to show it to you to prove to you that my girl can now start living here ." She lifted the laptop and began moving it around . "As you can see , the couches are clean and the pillows are well organized , inside here it's well swept , taking you to the bedroom , her bed is well made and it's tidy in here , if anything is missing in her room . I promise to buy it as soon as possible." Moved the laptop to the kitchen. "And lastly taking you to the kitchen , it's all clean here , the dishes are all washed and in their shelves . Francisco."She turned the laptop camera to her face. "This is how it has been here in house for the past few months without Luciana , so please allow me to have my child back."

"Natalia , you can not convince me that my child will be safe by mere showing me that there are developments in your house. I think Luciana needs more than that , she needs love and your presence around her , haven't you thought about your studies? And now your motherly instincts , where is it coming from ? How are you going to handle this?"

"It's like you're trying to say I don't love my daughter . I love my daughter very much Francisco , my studies won't affect the love I have for her , my mother love her so much too , so you have no right to say that she will be lacking love in this house ."

"I'll think about it then , just give me sometime ."

Victor who was asking about Natalia finally he was at his mother's house here in Bogota , he asked both his parents to sit down with him , had something to tell them , when they sat down to talk . Victor told them he was going back to the university to continue with his studies in medicine .

"Wait , what ?" His mother stood up . "Victor , am furiously disappointed in you , how can you do this to us? Do you realize that you're wasting our money ? You can not change professions from one to another just like that , you need to be focused ."

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