Leaving Choco .

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From that call to Alzate . Fiona had to call Manuel once again , luckily enough he picked , though he was busy in the kitchen from the bakery where he worked from , he tried to listen to her . Fiona told him about the place and how it's full of guerrillas, how she'd found it odd that many people around the area still remember her , talked about a guy she's trying to help . Manuel asked her if she could tell him more about all that in Choco when she gets back because he was a bit busy at the moment .

Fiona promised to do so and when she was done making her calls , she joined Rodrigo inside the ambulance to check on them , he asked her whether she was coming with them to the airbase , told him she wasn't because she had to attend a burial of Devon's parents , just wanted to make sure everything was okay .

"Everything is okay here ." Rodrigo assured her. "We've managed to get Peter inside the ambulance , we're now waiting for Anderson to come and join us , it's better you go out and check on him ."

Anderson was still outside the entrance of the hospital, keeping an eye on the so called family of Peter , he was surprised to see Ignasia walking around near them , wondered what he was saying to them but decided to drop the subjected and went back inside the hospital , inside the hospital ,he ran into Fiona who was coming back from the ambulance . Fiona told him that Rodrigo and the driver were waiting , asked her if she isn't coming with them . Fiona told him she was to attend a burial of Devon's parents .

Anderson told her they were to come back and join them the moment they're done taking Peter to the airbase , once they're sure he's in hands of the military . Fiona appreciated their effort and went outside the hospital and outside the hospital , she kept an eye on the ambulance as it began finding it's way throughout the crowd .

"Alias Segura right ?" Ignasia whispered to the lady in the crowd who claimed to be Peter's sister .

"Excuse me , do I know you ?"

"You may not know me but I'm here to give you information about what's going on inside the hospital ."

"How can I trust you ? How can I tell that you're not working with the police ?"

"My name is Ignasia , am a friend of doctor Petrolina the person you've been in touch with , you gave us an order to get rid of Fiona ,'tick tock ,tick tock ' . I hope now you understand what am talking about !"

"So you're doctor Ignasia , well Ignasia , am putting a lot of money into this , what's taking you so long ? I can see the girl roaming around here , is the job too much for you to handle ?"

"I thought you wanted her to die slowly so that there's no clue of her death . I've already started on that and believe me as you can see ." Using his eyes showed her Fiona standing at the entrance of the hospital coughing . "She's already coughing and she will continue coughing till she dies ."

"So what's that information you have for me? I believe you didn't come here to tell me what I already know ."

"I came here to tell you that there is a guy called Peter inside there who they're trying to help escape , he's not dead as it seems , they faked his heart attack ."

"That's not possible , we were told by a certain doctor that he's dead and we're waiting here to see his body , how do you know all about this ?."

"He lied to you , he's on Fiona's side, yesterday when I was medicating Fiona .I happen to read a text that was sent to her by one those doctors telling her on how they're going to fake Peter's death and on how they'll sneak him out of the hospital , perhaps right now they're taking him away , probably in an ambulance cause that's the only way they can take him out of here , so be careful with ambulances that are leaving right now ."

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