Nina performs , Segura arrested .

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Segura was getting desperate , wanted to end this chapter of Fiona once and for all , had promised her mother if she's done with Fiona , they were to leave Bogota , thought really hard about Fiona's invitation to the university's hospital as a trap for her but had no choice , couldn't let Fiona get away with it , she promised herself to be more careful and decided to leave her gun behind , she knew there would be security that was to scan her throughout ,the only solution was to go in as a normal citizen looking for a friend in the hospital.

At the entrance of San Pedro hospital , she saw that everyone who was entering was first checked , went to the guard when it was her turn and after she was found clean , she asked the guard where to find the hospital's morgue , the guard directed her to the last two rooms on the first floor towards the exit door to the parking area . Fiona had told her that the morgue was the only safe place from where they could talk without anyone interrupting them and also promised her she was not to involve the police in the matter when she asked about it .

Segura walked passed many doctors , medical students , patients and nurses , everyone seemed to be minding their own business , no one could even sense a threat she was , walked towards the last two rooms at the exit door to the parking area , on opening one of the rooms , she saw Fiona in her blue medical student's uniform already in the room alone walking around next to a body on a stretcher .

"Welcome Segura . I was expecting you , come in." She calmly stood on one side of the dead body as Segura came in and left the door open , she thought since these were the last rooms , no one would bother them .

"I can see you've kept part of your promise."

" That's right and another reason why I wanted us to have our conversation from here in the morgue is that I wanted you to have a look at something , do you see this body here ?" She took off the sheet that was covering the body . " I want you to analyze whether she died of mercury intoxication or not ."

"What are you talking about ?" Segura asked .

"Of course I know you can not do that because you don't have that knowledge , this person here died of mercury intoxication the way you wanted me to die , you have no idea how dangerous mercury can be inside someone's body , you have no idea how it is to have endless headaches , emotional changes , disturbance in sensations and twitching , this is all out of your reach but just tell me Segura , why did you want to kill me?"

"You don't know why yet? Anyway i'll tell you, you're not the only one who wants a change in life , you're not the only one who can move forward , for my case ,whenever am planning something , whenever I feel like I can do better probably become famous , your name pops up , you're the only one who can stop my success ."

"That's not my problem that you don't know how to use your talents , it's not my problem that you don't know how to use what you already have and that's the money."

"If it weren't that stupid doctor called Ignasia , you would have been dead by now just like that body next to you . I would be far from here with my family , everything is your fault Tabna , you took everything from me and now you are here thinking you can integrate with these people ." She began getting closer to her . " I think it's you who is obsessed with me , if you can only get out of my life , everything will be okay for me."

"Don't make laugh Segura ." She chuckled . " Me obsessed with you ? I don't even know you . I had forgotten all about you , just recently on my hospital bed I was told that someone who paid doctor Ignasia to eliminate me was you , that's when I started putting you back in my mind and those absurd looks you had towards me back then in the jungle ."

"Did you know that I had the commander's son ? do you know how much it hurts that I had to hide my pregnancy from the father of my son because of a fear that he was to kill me and my unborn child? maybe if he had known he would have made him the next commander of the guerrillas but he always favored you bitch ."

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