Connie's decision , Meriya and Manuel's future .

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"I've been looking for you Connie ." Alfonso came to the library, found his wife reading .

"Why are you looking for me ?"  she asked.

"It's been a while since we last went out for a dinner or a lunch , I thought it would be a good idea if I had lunch with my wife today , what do you think ?"

"Not  bad an idea , but don't you see that am a bit busy right now ?"

"Come on , you can do your research later , you're hungry and I know you're , let's go out and have some lunch ."

"I know you won't stop unless I agree, let's go then ," she closed her books and left with him to a restaurant nearby the university.

Rodrigo saw them leaving from the balcony , then saw Huria at the cafeteria , went downstairs to meet her in case he could get some information on why Connie was leaving with Alfonso, on catching up with Huria, he  asked  her if she'd seen her father , she asked him why he was looking for her father , Rodrigo asked her whether she was forgetting that he was his assistant , told her he had some paper to present to him for signing , Huria told him that her father had gone out with Connie to have lunch , her father told her about it before he went to ask Connie for a lunch out .

And at the restaurant nearby , Connie wasn't settled , her mind was somewhere else , couldn't pay attention to what Alfonso was saying , she was thinking about how unfaithful she's turning out to be towards her husband , was thinking about how fascinating the relationship she's having with Rodrigo is , how wonderful and caring a guy he is ,what possible wonders could happen between the two if they were to continue with their relationship and what possible consequences could result from the relationship.

"Connie , is everything okay ?" Alfonso tried to bring her back from the world of  thoughts .

"Yeah, everything is okay ."

"But you're not paying attention , seems you're somewhere else , if you're uncomfortable we can go back to the university."

"It's okay, let's finish the lunch ."

After having lunch , when they got back to the university, Connie couldn't wait , she looked for Rodrigo around and eventually found him from seeing a patient , asked him if they could talk from somewhere else away from the hospital , Rodrigo wondered what was so urgent , decided to go the restaurant where earlier Connie and Alfonso were , Rodrigo asked her if she could order for something but she said she was already full , Rodrigo ordered for a glass of water .

"So what is that that made you beseech for this meeting ?"

"Rodrigo , I can not do this anymore ."

"You mean what's between us?"

"Yeah , I can not see Alfonso like this , always wondering what's wrong with me , snooping around trying to learn how to text using a smart phone for my sake , asking me to go out with him but I show no interest, am sick and tired , I wanna pay more attention to him from now ."

"Do you love him ?"

"It's not about love , it's about my responsibility as his wife ."

"I think what matters most is whether you love him or not , you can not have a relationship where there isn't love ."

"I know but sometimes you have to withstand everything , everything is at stake here ."

"I don't understand you ."

"You don't have to , let's not see each other for a while , let's give each other some space , let's think about it for the time being ," she stood up to leave .

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