Chucho arrested again .

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Dumbstruck as he was after Tatiana told him that she couldn't get married to him because she was still married . Alzate come out of the house from the rooftop like someone who all he needed was a blow on his head ,someone who needed a sniper's bullet in his head , he went and met the General so that they could leave . Tatiana ran after him to try and explain every thing to him before he could reach the General , he wasn't ready to listen though , kept on walking away as she called for him to listen .

"Now what are you going to tell me Tatiana?" He posed for a while to shake her off . "That you were playing with my feelings , passing time with me , that you wanted to know how it feels like to date a colonel ?"

"You have no right to talk to me like that Alzate ." She felt offended . "You know I love you but try to give a chance to explain how it all happened ."

"Alright tell me , am listening."

Before she could start to give her explanation . Monica came running to the colonel , told him that she needed his help , earlier she was wondering why Ramon never came back when sent to get a bottle opener from his father's house ,she decided to go to the house , called out his name but no one could answer , looking through the window , she saw Ramon crawling on floor .

"Colonel , his father badly did beat him up." She continued . "I couldn't open the door because it was locked from outside . I need your help colonel ,we have to take Ramon to the hospital ."

"Let's go right now ." Alzate had to cut short their conversation. "Tatiana we'll talk later ." He left with Monica without getting an answer from Tatiana.

Alzate gathered two of his men , called Fiona and Victor to join and help .Monica took them to Chucho's house , reaching the house , one of the two soldiers helped to break the locker , getting inside the house , they found the boy badly beaten up , barely could he move , his face still bearing congealed blood and his clothes were in utter mess .Alzate asked him who did beat him up , he could say words well , his lips were cracked failing at the first syllable .

"It's definitely his father colonel , he's father never wanted him to associate with us yet all he does is to help ." Monica explained .

"Is it your father who did this to you ?" Alzate asked .

"Yes sir ." He managed to compose himself .

The colonel immediately ordered his two men to go and look for Chucho then arrest him ,sent Monica with them since she was the one who knew the man and the neighbourhood very well . Fiona and Victor decided to give the boy a first aid , cleaned his wounds with a clean cloth , applied a sterile bandage . Victor got ice from the refrigerator and applied it on his face to avoid the swelling , then got a piece of wood and tied it up with his arm as the colonel called for an ambulance and when the ambulance came. Fiona and Victor went with Ramon to the hospital . Alzate went back to join the rest probably say goodbye and also to finish the unfinished conversation he was having with Tatiana . Manuel came out of the kitchen to join the guests before they could leave , asked Nina if she could go and help out Melisa in the kitchen . Nina agreed but before she could leave , he asked her where he could find Fiona .

"Fiona has gone to the hospital ." She said . "You know Chucho did beat up his son, so Fiona had to help and take him to the hospital ."

"I see , thank you Nina for letting me know ."

The man who the soldiers were looking for for an assault on his son was no where to be seen from all the possible places Monica showed them . Monica told the soldiers there was one last place where he could be found , it was a bar where most of the people in the neighborhood went to . Chucho was there again arguing with the bar owner ,begging him to deduct the amount of money he owes him from the amount of money he owes him , the owner insisted that he owes him nothing but refused and continued having a bottle of ram outside the bar , stupid as he was . Chucho couldn't realize that from that same bar , it's where he always get arrested . Monica saw him first and shouted at the soldiers .

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