Culprit found .

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Back home at the orange house . Miguel had to tell his two other girls about what exactly was going on in the hospital , explained to them how critical their elder sister was , told them the only thing they could do was to pray for her to God so that she gets better , both the girls with their father stood up for a moment of silence to pray for their sister , before they could finish the prayer . Nina asked if she could sing one of the songs she learnt when she was practicing for a song she sang on her brother's baptism ceremony.

"It's okay child you can sing ." Her father agreed .

"Dad , you're not gonna let her sing , to be honest , the song she sang on Leonardito's baptism ceremony was boring . I even fell asleep ." Monica opposed the idea .

"Leave her alone . Nina sing please ." He gave her a go ahead .

"Arawi chu'wa yaku kwasay puni ." She began singing 'yuyal jap'ina tapes' a song from 'Luzmila Carpio' .

"No no , stop stop." Monica had to cut short. "Am now more bored , that song is about death ."

"But I don't want my sister to die." She wore a sad face. "My sister can not die because she survived a lot from the jungle where there was no clean drinking water , where she couldn't sleep in a comfortable bed , had no friends except mosquitoes , my sister is strong and she will survive this too ."

"Calm down Nina , your sister isn't going to die , am sure she will survive this too , let's stop the singing for now and hold hands together, we'll continue praying and singing will be for another time, also stop looking at death as something bad , you can see death as a way of being born again." He held her right as he held his other hand with Monica's.

Among those who were praying for Fiona was Meriya her mother in the hospital's chapel , when done with her prayers , she came out to join Manuel who was from having a call back home to update Melissa about Fiona's situation ,though Melissa was fast asleep , she managed to wake up and answered the phone , he had told her how terrible the situation was and that he was to spend a night in the hospital . Melissa had no problem with that , apologized for being so rude to him earlier and hoped Fiona gets better , she promised to take a good care of Isabella while he was away .

When Meriya joined him . Manuel told her to go back home , take bath and rest , promised to keep an eye on Fiona throughout the night . Meriya asked him whether he was sure about his decision . Manuel was certain , she thanked him and went back to her house .

At her house , she had a bath and joined her husband in bed , her husband asked her who she left Fiona with , told him Manuel had agreed to stay with her for a night and she was going back early in the morning and before the two could turn off the lights to rest , they heard a knock on the door . Miguel wondered who could that be at that hour . Meriya got up to go and open the door , on opening the door , it was Mr Alejandro and Ms Glades .Victor had told the two everything about his classmate . Glades and her husband were worried about the situation the girl's parents were in , they decided to drop by to comfort them .

"Oh Ms Glades and Mr Alejandro , am glad to see you here but how come that you've walked this late." She opened the door for them to come in .

"Sorry Ms Meriya for waking you up but we couldn't help it. Victor told us about everything going on with your daughter and that's why we've decided to move at night , we're here to give you some company, we want to wait for the good news of her recovery together here, don't worry about anything from now onward , till Fiona recovers . I want us to be the ones taking care of the house."

"I truly appreciate your presence Ms Glades , this is all I need right now , lately I've been lazy . I can not even do anything for myself , don't even know how am going to take care of these other two girls while their sister is in the hospital." Her eyes rushed to the bedroom door as her husband came out to welcome the guests . "And how is Victor by the way ?" She asked .

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