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Looking through her voice messages early in the morning before she could leave Rodrigo's apartment , Connie found one from Alfonso apologizing to her and asking her to meet so that they could try to resolve their differences, she told Rodrigo about it. Rodrigo agreed with her to go and see him ,it could be of help for the both of them , after getting his approval , she went down inside her car , called Sylvia and told her about it . Sylvia agreed with her that it was the best thing Alfonso could do for what was going on between the two .

Inside Alfonso's office. Alfonso asked Connie to take the conversation they were about to have as an adult conversation, they shouldn't argue whatsoever .

"I think you're judging me Alfonso , you think am the cause of your outburst !"

"No am not judging you , all I want is for the both of us to understand each other ."

"So what is that you have to say ?"

"The truth is , am missing you Connie. I miss your presence inside the house .yesterday when I found that Huria has payed the electricity bills . I realized how things have changed so sudden ,however I also feel sorry for you ."

"You feel sorry for me ! don't ." She chuckled . "And why all the sudden you care ?"

"I don't see a future between you and Rodrigo . I'm wondering whether you moved in with him , something you didn't know is that Rodrigo is a second resistance and he has only two years left for him to leave for further studies ,if you're already aware of that I think you should think twice before continuing with this relationship, it's only a doctor -student relationship though both of you are doctors, however we both know Rodrigo isn't fully qualified ,it will be really absurd if what you have fades away soon ."

"You know what I think Alfonso ? I am happy with Rodrigo and you're not happy with your life and probably I realized I wasn't happy with you ,so let it be ." She realized the conversation was taking them anywhere , stood up to leave his office .

"Think about it Connie." He raised his voice as she walked through the door way .

Connie left and met her close friend in her office , told her what Alfonso really thought about her ,how he thought that the relationship she's having with Rodrigo could end soon .Connie was worried Alfonso could be right and she could end up regretting for falling in love with a man ten years younger than Alfonso .

Sylvia requested her not to other think . Alfonso could be trying to get inside her head ,whereby she will find herself doing what he says , urged her to listen to her heart .

"I shouldn't have agreed to that meeting ."

"I know Connie but it's always right to listen , it's up to you to pick what's right and what's wrong ."

"Okay thanks for listening to me ,however right now I need to see Rodrigo ." She got off from her seat .

"Say hello for me ."

"Sure ."

Rodrigo was walkin' throughout the hospital's hallway heading to the receptionist who happened to be Helima , doctor Alfonso's assistant nurse. He got his phone out and texted Natalia telling her that mother was stable and they were to talk later . Natalia and her mother had had an argument earlier about the trash her mother kept in the house , Natalia borrowed Victor's truck ,she didn't tell him what she was going to do with the truck , she took the truck to her house , collected all the trash as she called her mother's used clothes, utensils and old furniture , packed everything in bags and threw it on to Victor's truck , her mother wasn't home by then , she was in the market buying for herself food to prepare that evening ,just when she started the truck to take the trash away from the house , her mother came and found all her things on a truck , Natalia was getting inside the truck , she stopped her .Natalia came out of the truck and told her not to stop her because no matter what it takes , she was taking the trash out of the house . Her mom argued she wasn't taking anything of hers away from her . Natalia refused and got back inside the truck , after a minute drive ,her mother was behind running after the truck , screaming to her to stop, she caught the truck and tried to climb over as it moved , she failed and fell down. Through a side mirror. Natalia couldn't see her mother running after the truck anymore , she stepped on the brakes and stopped the truck , looking at the back of the truck ,she saw her mother laying down unconscious , ran towards her ,called for help ,an ambulance was called and she was taken to San Pedro hospital . Rodrigo received her and Natalia pleaded to him to take good care of her and to let her know if she was out of danger . Natalia had a class and that's why she couldn't stay to look after her mother . Rodrigo promised to do so as she left for her class on the other side of the hospital.

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