At a ranch in La Calera .

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Everyone was already in place in the market from where Victor sold his harvest , Victor had hired a bus strictly for the five of them with their belongings , having seen them around , Victor asked if anyone was missing ,  confirming that everyone was around , they began entering the bus one by one with their belongings inside their bags , just after they've settled inside the bus , he asked the bus driver to start the bus to La Calera in the north of Bogota , from a tarmac main road on to a dirt road leading them La Calera , they found traditional style restaurants, the landscape that was vast different from the city buildings as the bus moved on, Victor kept on entertaining his guests by dancing for them , cracking jokes on their way.

Later on they arrived to an army green gate that lead them through a small gravel road before reaching to a main house  viewed from a distance and when they got to the house , Victor got out first .

"Home sweet home," he sighed from that long trip they've just had.

"Is this your farm house Victor ?" Natalia stepped out of the bus second .

"It's not like one of those in the city , but believe me guys , you're going to have fun here ."

"It doesn't look like yours Victor , it's too luxurious , well tiled and a green compound , trees all over , I can see a swimming pool at the backyard , I don't think anyone of us expected this Victor ."

"It makes me miss the jungle here ." Fiona forgot herself and came up with an absurd comment .

"What's that Fiona ?" Natalia looked confused . " Have you ever lived in the jungle ?, girl tell me about it, it could be an interesting story ." She got a bit more curious about Fiona's missing the Jungle .

"I hope you guys brought with you your swimming costumes." Victor changed the subject since it meant absolutely nothing , he wanted to be the center of the attention around the ranch .

"I did but I don't know about Huria and Fiona ." Natalia replied

"We did." Huria immediately replied upon seeing Fiona getting silent about the issue of swimming costumes .

Hurianah never wanted Fiona to feel embarrassed anymore about the scars on her back , earlier before getting on a bus at Victor's store in the market , Hurianah had called Fiona to come over at her house to help her pack her clothes for the trip , when she came , Huria asked her whether she had a swimming costume , she asked because Victor had earlier told her that there would be a swimming pool for them to freshen up , Fiona  had no swimming costume and had never wore one before, Huria understood her and asked her to try out from a few of hers since she had more than one of them , Fiona went to Huria's Bedroom to find out what fitted her , as she was trying out them , Huria pushed the door open without knocking since it was her room , she was shocked when saw scars on her back, asked her about the scars , Fiona lied on how she got the scars , her scars  reminded her  how she was whipped by the commander just like the rest other guerrillas who disobeyed one of his orders as one of his way of punishing them .

Fiona told Huria that she fell down from the stairs back then when she was a child and that she spent several months in an hospital for that , Huria felt sorry for her and asked her to put on a costumes that wouldn't show the scars , Fiona appreciated her help .

"What do you mean by we did?" Natalia asked.

"We did , I mean Fiona and I have our costumes inside my bag , do you have any problem with that ?" Huria came closer to her and glared at her .

"Easy girl," she took a few steps backward . " I didn't know you've become this best of friends with that short slut."

"Okay guys , can we all go and change." it was  Victor's responsibility to  cool down the upcoming heat among the girls. "We're going for swimming now , I will be the one serving you whatever you want , you're all my guests ."

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