Studying with Militias

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Before going to the university. Alfonso explained to his daughter where he was last night , his daughter assured him that he doesn't owe her an explanation , he has a right to do anything with his life . Alfonso understood her and again asked her whether she had told anyone about what he told her regarding Fiona . Huria insisted that she hasn't told anyone about it , he thanked her for being discreet and asked her to get in the car after her breakfast , he was to take her to the university.

On that very morning at the hospital .Fiona decided to check on Ms Belinda before going to class , before entering Ms Belinda's room a nurse came and gave her a flier and asked her whether she had read about it. Fiona took the Flier in her left hand as the other hand held tight her handbag , on reading it , she was shocked with the message that was on the flier , the message read 'We're studying with guerrilla militants in this university ,be careful .'

"Who gave you this ?" She asked the nurse before she could leave .

"No one , these fliers have been distributed throughout the hospital and the university."

"Okay thank you ." She tried to compose herself .

She immediately dropped the idea of checking on Ms Belinda , ran to the university and only to find everyone was having a similar flier in his or her hand , scared as she was , thinking about the possibility of students attacking her , she decided to leave the university as soon as possible wondering who that the person might be who made the fliers ,leaving the university , she received a call from doctor Tatiana and on answering the phone , it was Manuel .

"Manuel ! is that you ?"

"Yes Fiona , am out of prison now ,am really excited about this .I thought to let you know first about this ."

"Congratulations Manuel , at least I have some good news this morning ."

"What do you mean ? is everything okay there ?"

"I will tell you about it when we meet ." She got off from the phone after Manuel hanged up .

Nothing was okay at the university , not only students received the fliers passing around the university, the members of the stuff at both the university and the hospital received them too . Helima got one too , when she read through it ,she immediately took it to doctor Alfonso who wasn't aware of what was going on outside his office .

"How many are these out there Helima ?" He asked after reading through .

"There are many Alfonso , everyone must have read a copy of it , so what are you going to do , this is putting your job in a difficult position ,the board members will be seeking for a new Dean very soon , they're going to accuse of you of allowing militias to be a part of this university, they can not allow guerrillas inside here , some professors are pretty worried since they're the ones who teach and treat these guerrillas from the jungle ."

"Don't tell me you also think people like this don't have a right to education ?"

"It's not like that doctor , am only thinking about your job and how you're going to deal with this ."

"I promise you am going to find away on how to solve this but if you don't mind , can I make a few phone calls ."

"It's okay doctor ." Helima had to leave him alone thinking about what's next now that everyone knows that there are guerrillas inside the university.

Outside in the hallway . Connie saw Helima leaving Alfonso's office . Rodrigo had told her about the relationship that could be going on between Alfonso and Helima , she couldn't believe it that Alfonso could replace her for a nurse , it was humiliating to her .Connie called Sylvia ,told her she was certain Alfonso was sleeping with Helima ,complained that he could have had someone better but not a nurse , wondered whether she wasn't that worthy that only a nurse can make a perfect replacement for her . Sylvia asked her whether she was jealous , she refused to give her a reply to her question .

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