Hurianah finds out

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From what had just happened . Baragan attacking doctor Fuentes because he was helping out his daughter , it had always been Baragan's effort to silence Fiona, he knew she was the only one who could stop him and anything to do with her had to be eliminated .Fiona was a close friend to Hurianah . Alfonso Hurianah's father was worried about the safety of his daughter , the man who had just attacked Fuentes could escape from prison and attack whoever was close to Fiona as a way of getting even with her , he thought of doing something before it could happen . Alfonso had to warn his daughter about the situation , he called for her to tell her to be more careful .

"Dad !" Huria pushed the door open of his father's office. " Dulcey has just told me that you're looking for me ,what's the matter ? is your job at stake ?"

"Don't worry about my job Huria . I can not tell the future but that's not why I asked for you ."

"Then what is it ?"

"It's about Fiona ."

"So now you're ready to tell me the reason why you asked her to keep a distance from me all this time !?"

"Huria . I didn't ask Fiona to stay away from you , you should know that after telling me who she really is , she decided on her own to keep a distance from you ,could be in respect for me or trying not to harm you ."

"Why would Fiona harm me ?" She chuckled . " We're best friends ."

"It's not that she can harm you but in otherwise she's trying to protect you , when Fiona was a young girl of about 8 years , she was recruited among the guerrillas , she became a child soldier at such an early age but she managed to run away when she turned seventeen ,life hasn't been easy for her ever since , it's never easy to escape from these militias ,her former comrades have been looking for her because she was believed to be the next commander of the guerrillas something she never wanted since their life was about killing , stealing and ambushing government soldiers ,now there is a man from the army who has been after her since he found out that she's still alive ,a man who knows her very well, she has a case to testify in court against this man , the man am talking about it's the same man who attacked Fuentes . I'm telling you this now because I think you should be more careful and aware of any surprises that are happening here at the university ."

"But dad, that makes Fiona a very dangerous person . I can not be friends with her ."

"I'm not asking you to judge Fiona , try to understand her and what she has been through and please remember this ,make sure sure this remains a secrete . Huria , this is confidential , no one should know about this ." He emphasized that .

"I understand but who else knows about this ? if she happened to open up herself to you that means someone else knows ,it's not that you're Fiona's closest friend ."

"Fuentes knows about it . I know about it . I guess her family knows as well and now you do and am telling you this because you're a friend to her ."

"I promise to keep it a secret but I can not promise to keep the friendship I have with Fiona now ."

" I don't want you to be hard on her , try to listen to her and understand her."

Disappointed as she was in Fiona . Huria left Alfonso's office not knowing what to do next with Fiona ,on opening the door . Connie rushed in shouting at Alfonso asking him what he wanted from her . Huria didn't interfere ,she simply walked out leaving them alone to talk .

"I don't know when you're going to stop sabotaging me Alfonso." She tried to low her voice . "First with my credit cards now I've just checked on the board to see whether I have a chance of becoming this university's next dean , my name was scrapped off and I know you're the one behind all this , what do you really want from me?"

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