How to find Raul.

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"Godfather , do you see this file ?, this is a file about former guerrillas Marcus Monroy and Patrick Mendez , former comrades to Fiona Bustamante, these two never stopped harassing her  when she had just got integrated at St Mary's Orphanage, a copy of this file was sent to the police by a doctor named Tatiana , since I've been close to the doctor , I managed to get a copy of this file . " Manuel explained what he had in his hands to his godfather on meeting him for a new job .

"Why are you showing me this file ?"

"Aren't you the one asking me to find a guy called 'Raul'?'"

"Yes that's your next job and it's the only way you can prove your loyalty to me after failing that previous simple job I asked you to do ."

Manuel was earlier tasked  to deliver a bunch of flowers to a certain call center , he delivered the flowers to the call center that morning , he knew it was a place where Fiona worked from , that evening , Manuel made a mistake by calling Fiona asking her not to go to the call center that evening ,his godfather caught him talking on a phone , Manuel tried to cover up the guilty by asking him who the flowers were for, asked whether they were for one of the colonel's lovers , lieutenant Rios refused to answer the question and realized he knew too much , to find out whether he's still on his side , Rios gave him another job and that was to find someone .

"Well godfather these two guys in this file are wanted by the police , i want to find these guys before the police does and if I can befriend them , they can lead me to where Raul is , since you're in the army, you can help me locate where exactly they're by using the military resources ."

"You're quite smart godson." Rios was impressed . " I think you really learnt something from the military but there is one more thing you have to do for me godson after finding Raul , when you find him , you're going to kill him ."

"You want him dead !"

"Is killing too hard for you ,haven't you ever fired a gun ?"

"It's not that I've never fired a gun godfather , I think I have a better way of killing someone other than using a gun ."

"Whatever means you use , all I want is proof that he's dead ."

"Don't worry about that , just get me the information about Marcus and Patrick's exact location , you will have your guy dead."

"We have a deal now ."

The man who is paying Rios to find Raul and desperately want him dead went to a call center where Fiona works , Ms Ana welcomed him very well that morning and started showing him how the system worked around the center , colonel Baragan seemed to be delighted with everything , he assured her that he's certain his money weren't go to waste if he invested in the center .

"Of course ,you won't regret it sir ." Ana assured him .

"But one more thing ."

"What is it sir ?"

"Do you mind if we take pictures and information about the employees now ?"

"Now ?, that won't be possible sir , maybe some other time when you've already invested , you know information about my employees it's something we really have to keep a secret ."

"Are you having seconds thoughts about me or something ?"

"Not really , it's just that we've just met and my employees are my employees , one step at time sir , how about that ?"

"Oh I see , you're quite a smart woman you know , it will be good to do business with you ."

"Thank you."

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