The winner.

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Everyone in the neighborhood who gathered outside the Bustamantes' house were enjoying themselves , drinking and dancing with whoever was suitable for them , Victor danced with Natalia since she was fond of disregarding everything around her , she found the party boring , told Victor the idea of throwing up a party to have Huria back was the most stupid thing Fiona came up with , her idea of asking for Alfonso's hand was enough .

"Francisco , would you come here please." He saw Francisco passing by . " Please help me and dance with this girl , I can't stand words coming out of her mouth , she's pulling my moods down."

"It's okay Victor." Francisco took her by her hand and slowly began dancing with her . "I think we still have a few weeks to get to know each other Natalia ."

"Are you trying to be romantic with me Francisco ?" She asked .

"I don't see any crime in that ." He smiled.

"Looks like you're forgetting all that you did to me by leaving me with the child all by myself."

"And it looks like you're stranded in the past."

After handing Natalia over to Francisco , Victor ran into Nina , Nina was getting frustrated with the celebrations too , she was from asking Manuel and Fiona about when the party was to end, people were only focusing on eating , drinking and dancing , there weren't paying attention to what was next on television, Manuel had told her to go and talk to Victor who was the main organizer of the party about her problem .

"Victor , when is this party ending ?" She asked just after she ran into him. " My show is about to start , I want people to go back to their houses and watch me, I don't want them to miss this."

"Loosen up girl , just enjoy the moment ,let's join your sister Monica on a motorcycle dance , no matter what , you will win the competition."

Nina listened to him , joined Ramon and Monica in the circle to dance and as they were dancing , Victor saw a taxi arriving , Huria step out , his mouth hung open in surprise , Nina saw him a lost cause from what was going on but didn't see who he was looking at .

"Hey hey Victor , wake up , stop opening your mouth , flies might find a resting place in their ." She tapped him .

"Sorry guys , you keep dancing , I need to talk to someone ." He dropped out of the motorcycle dance.

Huria slowly walked towards the big gathering , Victor walked towards her to get her , approached her and said 'hello' , she replied 'hello ' , asked her if he could get her a drink , she agreed to a bottle of water.

"You can have a seat here ." Brought a plastic seat for her .

"I think you've done a great job in preparing Fiona's recovery party , it's all wonderful here." She praised when he came back with a bottle of water .

"Yeah , that's right , she deserves the best ."

Nina was getting more impatient , wanted the people to go back to their houses , turn on their televisions, the winner of the competition was about to be announced in five minutes , she got a microphone from the disco jockey's table , went on a veranda , asked the disco jockey to pause the music for a moment , she told the people to go back to their houses , in five minutes , the winner of the competition was about to be announced and she was sure she could be the winner , Victor could let her send off people back to their house that early before he confesses his love again to Huria , asked Huria to excuse him , was to get back to her in a minute , went and got the microphone from Nina , told the people to stay , they were to watch the announcement of the winner of the singing competition from the big plasma television they had brought , Francisco came and confirmed it to Nina , they thought about her before organizing the party , they knew she would want to watch the results from the singing competition and that's why they brought the television and after convincing her , he went and turned it on.

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