The Bustamantes .

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Doctor Tatiana had promised Fiona that she would talk to colonel Alzate about how Marcus and Patrick escaped from prison , and when she met Alzate , Alzate told her he didn't even know that the two had escaped from prison , he promised her an explanation from the prison guards about how exactly it happened , Tatiana advised him not to bother but to try and have them arrested again , Alzate promised to do so .

"Well I won't waste any more of your time , I gotta get going colonel ."

"Wait doctor Tatiana, I was thinking," he held her by her hand .

"Thinking what?" Tatiana was surprised by his late move on her .

"Are you going to be busy at your office ?" He asked

"Not really but why are you asking ?"

"I was thinking , if you're not that busy at your office , why don't we go out for a lunch , just the two of us ."

"Is this related to Fiona 's case ?" She knew only Fiona brought the two of them  together .

"Not really , you know we've been meeting often for now , talking about Fiona and other boys and girls in the program specifically , and I think we're becoming great friends ,we can talk about ourselves unless am mistaken about being friends ."

"No,  you're not , in fact am grateful to all you're doing for me in solving these matters regarding to all those boys and girls in the program ."

"And that's why I was thinking of a lunch together ."

"Sorry colonel , maybe some other time ."

Tatiana left colonel Alzate there alone at the gate of the Military base staring at her as she walked away , she wore a smile on her face as she left , thought to herself what was good for them, what was more important between them and that was to look for Marcus and Patrick and help Fiona .

Marcus and Patrick who they were looking for, were already in the neighborhood where they first met Adriana when she had just left Manuel's apartment , they knew that if she was in that area back then ,that meant someone they were looking was close by , so they decided to go back to place and look around from their motorbike , luckily enough , they saw someone they once met before , it was Mr Miguel, Fiona 's father , Mr Miguel was in the area to pay their previous landlord the money he owed them before they got their own new orange house in the east , just after meeting with his former land lord and having paid what he owed them , on streets on his way back home , he saw two guys on a motorbike staring at him but he never minded ,  he continued on his way home , the two guys on the motorbike took off their helmets to prove to him that they know him and he knows them as well , they got off the bike and began following him on foot , Mr Miguel realized who they're and what they wanted ,  they were the boys who were after his daughter Fiona back in Medellin , he sped up , they also increased their speed after him , fortunately , a taxi was passing by , though Mr Miguel never wanted to take taxis in his entire life because taxis seemed expensive to him , he had no choice but to take  one this time around , when Marcus and Patrick saw him taking a taxi , this is when they thought about getting back to their bike , Marcus tried to run after the taxi as Patrick went back to get the motorbike , he got the motorbike and followed after Marcus and when he reached for him to get on , Mr Miguel was already far .

"Why didn't you run after him ?" Patrick asked

"Don't be an idiot , he was in a taxi and I don't remember running faster than taxis ."

"Okay get on , let's try to look around again ."

When Mr Miguel got home , he told Manuel and Adriana who were apparently staying at his house about it ,  having listened to Mr Miguel's episodes, Manuel got out of the house and went to colonel Alzate and asked him to help him with his plan , he explained what his plan was to him , Manuel wanted to make Marcus and Patrick believe that he's under arrest , knew they were never going to stop till they got him , colonel Alzate agreed with his plan and asked him to let him know when he's sure they were watching , having talked to Alzate , he went back and exposed himself to them , alerted Alzate , fortunately the two were still around the area where they thought he lived , an area where they had dropped Adriana , Marcus and Patrick still loitering around  saw him , followed him and just before he could enter the apartment where he used to rent before the land lady asked him to leave , the military police arrested him and took him under custody , Marcus and Patrick saw everything , they followed the military police cars up to the station , the two were pleased to see what had happened to Manuel , said to each other that at least he got what he deserved for betraying them .

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