Raul .

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On a same  Saturday morning Raul had to testify , Fiona and her mom took the same bus again to the university as usual , on their way , her mom tried to give her her  opinion about what she told her about Santiago's behavior ,told her not to be too hard on Santiago , she claimed the boy might have made a mistake but he seemed to be a nice guy , from a good family ,  rich as he is , she deserved to be around a guy like him , not have to struggle in life if she was around a guy like him , Fiona Contradicted  her mom  , told her that the financial status of someone wasn't something that was important to her , one's morals were valuable , also told her Santiago and her were too different , she's from another world and he's from another world as well .

"So you think Manuel who is from your world is a perfect candidate for you?" her mom asked .

"I don't see a problem with that ."

"I thought you're trying to run away from your ugly past , Manuel will be reminding you of your past , but Santiago is a new world and it's what we are all looking for ."

"I don't know mom , I really don't know," she felt confused . "By the way we're already at school , I will see you later ." She got out of the bus first leaving her struggling to get out .

Fiona knew that a witness who was to testify against colonel Baragan was to be televised , Baragan was a public figure right from what the media portrayed him according to what he did by destroying most of the guerrillas who killed , stole and raped civilians , a testimony against him had to be on the news as well , Fiona went to the security room , the only room where she knew she would access a TV without anyone bothering her , asked the supervisor to turn on the TV , the supervisor asked her why , Fiona told her that there was an important program she wanted to watch and missing it would be bad for her , without any hesitation,  she turned on the television and handed over a remote to her , Fiona was shocked to see the news showing that a witness who was to testify against Baragan had run away and colonel Alzate who was taking him to the prosecutor had been shot and critically ill in the hospital , she thanked the supervisor for turning on the TV and left , the supervisor was left disturbed because she didn't take that long watching her program , she didn't understand what was going on with her  , a girl comes in , ask to watch TV , and eventually watches it for a second and leaves .

Everyone so far was updated with the breaking news on TV, the same applies for general Gutierrez, a sergeant who worked with Alzate came and explained to him what exactly had happened apart from what he had seen on TV , General Gutierrez asked him to bring him in thirty minutes a full report on people who met Raul before he was to be taken to the prosecutor's office .

"I need that report very soon , colonel Alzate is nearly losing his life , this is an attack on us ," he continued with his order.

"Yes sir , it will be on your table soon ." the sergeant saluted .

"And before you leave sergeant , organize for me a few men ,I need to visit colonel Alzate right now ."

"Yes sir ," he saluted again and left his office .

Since many were now getting updated about what going on in the country , doctor Tatiana , a closest friend to colonel Alzate was one of the first civilians to go to the hospital to see him , after talking to the receptionist and knowing the room number in which he was confined , she was refused to enter by the two soldiers who were at the door , not only her but also doctor Fuentes was refused to enter , doctor Fuentes was already there after his student Fiona who had just started trusting him with her secret told him what had just happened to colonel Alzate , Tatiana tried to explain to the soldiers who she was and the relationship she had with the colonel but they wouldn't let her in,   luckily enough general Gutierrez arrived , he'd heard about doctor Tatiana from Alzate , he ordered the soldiers to be lenient to the doctor and let her in .

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