Fiona opens up to Maria Luise

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Fiona had stayed home alone , the rest of her family were in the hospital taking care of her mother and the newly born baby , that evening she couldn't go back to Manuel's apartment , had to look after the house , she called him and gave him the news about the birth of her second brother , later called Victor and asked him if he could come over and stay with her for a night .Victor was pleased to give her company and when Victor came , she told him about everything that had happened ,listening to her . Victor realized he couldn't leave her alone inside the house when Baragan is still out there on loose.

The next day Victor went out and found a man who could help him change the locks of the doors of the house , in about thirty minutes , the man was done with his work . Victor asked him how much he owed them .

"10000 pesos ." The man replied as he packed his tools back inside his bag .

"What ?" He was surprised , it looked a simple job to him . "Why is it so expensive ? it's not like you putting in a new door , you're just changing locks ."

"Sir , it's not like am robbing you , this is your security you're paying for ."

Fiona told Victor to give the man whatever he was asking for , the safety of the house was more important , he payed the man and after the man had left , she told Victor she wanted to talk Maria Luise ,she'd thought about it during the time Victor was arguing with the man who changed the door locks .

"I wonder why you want to talk to that girl now ! remember from what you've been telling me ,you've always done your best to stay away from her , okay let's say you're to talk to her , how are you going to reach her ? As far as I know her father has been looking for her as well but she's no where to be seen."

"According to attorney Felipe . Pablo disappeared on the day when Maria Luise disappeared and the two were believed to hang out together , that means right now they're still together , if I can reach Pablo . I can get to Maria luise ."

"Do you have Pablo's number ?"

"Nope , attorney Felipe can help me with that ." She called Felipe. Felipe gave her the number and Victor wrote it down on a piece of paper .

Having got the number , she dialed it .Victor sat on a chair staring at her , it kept on ringing in Cartagena . Pablo nor Maria Luise could hear it ringing , the two were having a morning refreshment in professor Salai 's swimming pool . Salai was in the kitchen , she was the only one who could hear the phone ringing , she went and answered the call . Fiona asked her if she could talk to Pablo . Salai asked who she could say is calling . Fiona told her to tell him that it's Fiona Bustamante a close friend of Maria luise . Salai took the phone to Pablo at the swimming pool , told him that it was Fiona a close friend of his dear wife .Pablo smiled and took the phone , his aunt went back to the kitchen to prepare for them breakfast .

"What's up Fiona ?" Pablo answered . "It's strange we never talked before , all I know about you . I've been getting it from Felipe , how are you doing ?" He looked at Maria Luise . Maria luise wondered why Fiona would call now .

"I know we never talked before ,probably because we never had a reason to talk but this time around the reason why am calling is that I know Maria Luise is with you , please can I talk to her ? I want to tell her something really important ."

"She wants to talk to you ." Got a phone off from his ear and whispered to Maria Luise .

"No way. I don't want to talk to Fiona anymore , she ignored me when I needed her the most , she always avoided me . I wondered whether it was my appearance that kept her away from me , why now that I've started being happy ? sorry Pablo ,people like her , don't deserve to be close to me ." She refused to take the phone from Pablo's hand .

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