Reminds me of Marianah.

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A deoxyribonucleic acid test was carried out on Helima's body before Rodrigo who has been doing the postmortem care . Fiona and doctor Alfonso were also waiting though the two were quite certain it was Helima , a doctor finalized with the results and it was confirmed that the body belonged to her .Rodrigo wondered why Helima was taking these risky surgeries .Fiona asked herself who could continue doing these unprofessional surgeries ,having confirmed that it was Helima , she had to leave the room with Alfonso talking about what to do next , professor Ignasia was behind the door eavesdropping , he confirmed it that person that was brought was Helima, he knew who carried out the surgery on her ,when the rest were coming out of the room , he pretended to look for a lancet from a tray nearby ,when they were gone , he got his phone and called doctor Petrolina , updated him about what was going on , he asked him to stay away from the hospital from where he worked from for a while because things were getting worse , an investigation was going to start to find out what exactly happened to Helima who happened to be a dear one at San Pedro hospital .

"Okay that's fine Ignasia , thank you for letting me know , i'm going to stay away from this hospital for a while . I'll come up with an excuse to present to the senior doctor but remember this , this is how I've been earning my living though am not a qualified doctor . I don't know what to do next . I'd need money and you know that ."

"Relax , the money will come , we still have that job with Segura , keep on promising her that you will get the girl for her .I'll give you information about the girl's whereabouts ,with that she will keep on giving us the money which you will claim that is for financing the trips and contacts to find the girl ,and it will be like this till we present the girl before her ."

"I hope it works because now I don't know what am going to do now that I've lost this job as a surgeon ."

"It will work if you keep on following my orders ."

His mind woke up from the call he was making , saw Fiona all alone in the hallway away from people close to her , ran after her chanting 'tick tock tick tock' . Fiona turned around , she knew who that was , the one and only professor Ignasia ,asked him what the matter was , he told her he had heard that the body that was found at the dump side was Helima's and that he was sorry about it .

"Why would you feel sorry about it professor ?" Fiona asked . "It's not that you were a close friend to Helima."

"I know we weren't close friends but one day I over heard Helima and her friend Gloria talking about having surgeries at a cheaper price . I thought of an hospital that I know that is cheaper than San Pedro , talked about it with the two and dropped it , but I never thought that Helima would come to me later and asked me about where the hospital was . I told her where to go but please Fiona don't tell anyone about this , am telling you this because you've proven to be a nice girl and besides am helping you with your migraine , that means we need to have trust between the two of us , if you think it's okay that I should tell it to someone , please let me talk to Rodrigo ."

"Don't worry about it doctor , it's not even your fault , you were trying to help . Helima was just unfortunate ."

"Thank you Fiona ."

Fiona had told Huria to talk to her father because she thought what doctor Alfonso needed was someone closer to him , when Hurianah met him just after he had come out from the theater room , he was so depressed , asked him about what was going on.

"It's Helima , she's dead ." He looked distressed .

Huria went silent for a while and couldn't understand why her father would look so distressed about the death of a nurse ,he behaved like the deceased was so close to him .

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