Getting close .

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Since what Fiona is suffering from had been a complex for the rest of the doctors , like engineers on a motor engine in a garage , doctors that includes Alfonso . Sylvia .Rodrigo .Connie. Caroline . Anderson and a few medical students like Susana . Natalia . Huria and Victor were gathered in the intensive care unit where Fiona was confined to share medical information about the issue and also let the students know about it . Fiona was still under an anesthesia injection , it was clear to the rest of the doctors that the girl was under mercury intoxication . Anderson who happened to know more about this explained to them the possible ways someone can be mercury intoxicated .

"As you see from Fiona here ." He continued . "She might have got poisoned in two ways , either by someone who was intentionally poisoning her or during the time she was exposed to a landmine that exploded during her stay in Choco , long term exposure to mercury especially if its organic can lead to numbness or pain in certain parts of the skin ,however if it is swallowed like through a broken thermometer , very little can be absorbed and if you touch it , a small amount passes through your body and that can not harm you ."

"But doctor . I don't understand, mercury intoxication may seem like a new thing to some of us here . I heard from the market where I work from that we can also be intoxicated from eating large sums of fish like swordfish and sharks , don't you think that this could have been one of the cause of the mercury inside our friend's body here ?" Victor asked .

"You're right , the people in the market are also right , you can be intoxicate with mercury if you take large sums of tuna ,shark and swordfish , this is a primary way however the bottom line is that we want to reduce the exposure to mercury as much as possible , one of the biggest challenges is that most practitioners and researchers are not aware of the latest science that shows that elevated levels of mercury can take a serious toll on our health , exposure to this heavy metal has increased incidents of chronic fatigue syndrome , autoimmune condition , autism, as well as memory loss , irritability and blurred vision , you may not have the ailments listed above but mercury exposure could still have an effect on your body , if we are to talk about lingering health problems that hasn't been cleared , mercury intoxication is one of them ."

"I see doctor this sounds serious to have this poison inside ones body , however , how exactly can we detox this mercury in someone's body especially for Fiona's case ? How do we get rid of it now ?" Natalia asked

"Awareness ." Sylvia began explaining . "Having an awareness that mercury could be playing an important part is the first step we can take to solve this problem , for Fiona's case , we weren't aware before , the next step is to reduce the intake of this mercury and taking an example of large sums of fish , you need to reduce on the amount of fish you eat especially that contain trace amount of mercury , specific nutrients like vitamin E . C and glutathione 6 on a daily basis can help, some mercury free foods should also be added to your diet , lastly you should remove all the fillings in your environment and for Fiona , we're going to inject her these foods "

Among the doctors who were supposed to be there inside the room was doctor Ignasia . Ignasia was away from the hospital . Alfonso had asked for all the professors of Fiona Bustamante to be present when they were sharing this medical information about mercury intoxication . Ignasia didn't get to know about it since he was away on his meeting with Segura . Alfonso had called for this meeting in the ICU without knowing that he was away , when he came back , it was too late , asking around about where the rest of the doctors were , he was told they were all in the ICU on a patient called Fiona Bustamante , he knew where to find them , rushed to the room, before he could even touch the door handle , a nurse came and stopped him , told him she had strict orders from doctor Alfonso not to let anyone in , also told him the doctors and the medical students inside were having an important meeting and doctor Alfonso never wanted to be disturbed .

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