The Montealegres .

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While having breakfast with his wife and her gloomy faced daughter , doctor Alfonso managed to give the good news to his daughter that she was to join the university as she'd always wanted, he requested her to be a well behaved student ,not to take it as an advantage that she's a dean's daughter to screw around at the university, not to devalue other students or else she was to lose everything since it was his right to change his mind .

"Don't worry about anything father," her face was so delighted . "I will do my best to be the best student ,am going to prove to you that am better than that Fiona you keep on talking about , you wont regret giving me this chance , you won't even hear about any complains that am misusing this privilege ." She got off from her seat looking so excited and hugged her father .

"You're doing it ."

"Doing what now ?"

"You're picking on Fiona without even knowing her, I've just asked you not to compare yourself to anyone . "

"Father you should be knowing this very well , in academics ,one should always set a target ,competition is a common thing among students , so then Fiona is a target."

"Whatever you do , I hope you do it well ."

"Thank you again father , I think I should call Rodrigo and let him know , we should also have a night out , the four of us at the summer house on the outskirts of the city ."

"Oh, look at that Connie ." Alfonso turned to his wife . "Instead of preparing for school now she wants to party ."

"I think she has a right to , she has always wanted this and now that she has got it ,she can celebrate as much as she wants ." Connie with a smile on her face agreed with her .

"See dad , let's spend the night over there , it's been a while since I last had barbecue ."

"All right , call Rodrigo then ."

Huria immediately called Rodrigo who was also planing to make a call to her , when Rodrigo heard that the whole family was to be there , he immediately hurried to Doctor Alfonso's house.

Reaching the house , they were already packing , he started helping out with the packing specifically with Connie, when done packing changing clothes , long pants ,extra water bottles , flashlights due to uncertainty about the power system over there and toiletries , they all got inside the car and Doctor Alfonso began driving to the summer house .

Later on , they arrived at the summer house at around 6pm ,Huria went for a bath as Connie and Alfonso stayed outside preparing the barbecue area.

"I don't think she will make it on time, she's taking too long ." Connie opened up a conversation as she smoked the barbecue ribs .

"Who are you talking about ?" Alfonso asked .

"Sylvia. "

"Did you ask her to come ?, I thought it was a family hang out ."

"Sylvia is my best friend , I can not leave her out of my moments , wait , Is there a problem if she's here with me ?"

"It's not like that , I was just thinking but anyway be patient , she will soon be here , and by the way where is Huria and Ridrigo ?"

"Relax , let me go inside and ask them to come out ."

Constanza went inside to call out Hurianah and Rodrigo , the two were trying to prepare ice cream ,Connie asked them what they were doing , Rodrigo replied that they were making ice cream for themselves .

"I don't like ice cream , it's too sweet that it can make me diabetic ,instead of ice cream I would prefer a milanesa out of lean pork loin and it's sad we are not having that tonight ." Connie under-looked what they were trying to do.

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