Fuentes warned .

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Maria luise got to her room to her phone just after her father brought her back home , her father went to his car when the taxi left , he tried to contact Rios to ask him about how he could have lost Maria Luise when he had to keep an eye on her . Rios saw the call but ignored it. Baragan had to leave a voice message realizing that he couldn't reach him and when done , he opened up his account on Facebook to keep an eye on his daughter by himself ,fortunately when Maria Luise got inside her room , she opened her account too to chat with her new friend .

"Hey there friend ." Angela , her new friend texted first .

"How are you ? I was just thinking about you." She replied .

"So what's up ?"

"Nothing much , except that later today I have to see a doctor ."

"Are you sick or what ?"

"Nope , It's just that I have a psychological problem , this doctor am seeing told me that it's not that I only want to lose weight , it's that I needed someone to talk to as well , though losing weight can also be of help to me , he told me if I wanted to lose weight . I should stop listening to my mother's absurd comments about me and keep on seeing him or talk to any close friend ."

"I see , so where is this doctor found ? maybe if I happen to get a similar problem .I may pay him a visit ?"

"He's doctor Fuentes at San Pedro hospital ." She thought it was right to be open to her new friend about the doctor's location .

"So nearby I can see , anyway thank you Maria Luise , right now I have something to do , if you don't mind I will talk to you later ." Having got the information he wanted , thought keeping on chatting with her was a waste of time , had to pay a visit at San Pedro hospital .

"Have a good day Angela ." She signed out off from Facebook .

"Damn stupid girl , what are doing to yourself ? you're perfect the way you're ,why are you seeing this stupid doctor ?" Angry as he was , he closed his phone .

Maria Luise had to leave the house to go and meet with doctor Fuentes , as she was about to take the stairs up to his office , she ran into Fiona , said hello her .Fiona asked her if she had come to see doctor Fuentes , she wished her good lucky , Huria who was approaching her saw that she wasn't that charismatic on seeing her friend and wondered why . Maria Luise found Fuentes not in a good mood and at a wrong time , he argued that next time if they're to meet she should make a call first because at a moment he was having a class . Marial Luise apologized and promised to make a call first next time . Fuentes asked her if it was possible for her to leave because his class was to take long and it would be unwise for her to wait for long till his class ends , they had to push the meeting to the next day .

Inside the class . Fuentes was really angry with Fiona for helping out Natalia with her homework. Fuentes had asked Natalia to help Fiona with Ms Belinda . What Natalia did was to asked Fiona to cover up for her and also help her with the report she had to present before doctor Fuentes because she had to deal with the issue of her mother. Fiona agreed after listening to her problem , and when she did, Natalia simply walked away without even saying 'thank you' . Fiona raised her voice at her asking her to say 'thank you ' at least for once when someone agrees to help her. Before doctor Fuentes , Natalia couldn't explain her work very well . Fuentes realized the way it was presented , it looked like work from Fiona and when she was asked if she seek-ed for help from someone , the silly girl told him it was Fiona who helped her , after the class , Fiona was angry with her , she had never seen a girl so stupid like her , could have mastered the answers that were given to her instead of wasting time doing god knows what and also should have keep it a secret .

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