The exams .

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After having Spent the whole of last night reading for the exam , the five students and the rest of other students got into Professor Ignasia's class for the exam. they found that he had pinned different parts of a corpse and their test was to look at the pinned parts on corpse and tick at the right answers on their questionnaires , they had to go look at the body one at time, when Natalia realized that it was Hurianah after her , upon seeing Doctor Ignasia looking the other way at other students and other students looking into their questionnaires , she switched one of the pins to a different part of the body . and when she was done answering her questions , Huria came next , after ticking to a couple questions , she got a little bit suspicious about the location of a certain pin , thought of telling professor Ignasia but decided not to do so , Ignasia isn't a comprehensive man , you ask him a question ,you end up answering questions from him.

And when it was Fiona's turn after answering the rest of the questions , on answering the second last question , she looked at the body carefully and realized that then pin had been altered .

"Ah, excuse me sir," she slightly raised up her right hand .

"Now what is it Fiona ? , didn't I tell you that not coming with your instruments for classes will affect ?" Professor Ignasia laughed .

"It's not that sir , I think this pin has been altered ." She pointed at the pin in the body .

"No it hasn't been altered Fiona , you didn't read enough , so if you don't mind , can you let others use the body too ?" he continued laughing .

"But sir , you can even come closer and have a look at ?" She urged .

"Fiona stop," he wore a dark face .

Fiona gave up persuading the doctor to do something about , instead she looked at the body closely to find where the pin must have been earlier, she found where the pin was earlier and filled in the answer she thought was right.

Later after the exam was done , at the cafeteria , Hurianah was certain that the pin was altered and she was sure it was Natalia who did it , Natalia denied it , others never minded about it because that wasn't the only question that could make someone pass the exam .

From the cafeteria , everyone did part ways to their daily activities , Santiago followed Natalia through the hallway , desperately he wanted to say something to her .

" You did it."

"What ?" she asked .

"I know you altered those pins to fail Hurianah ."

"Did you see me doing it?" she asked . "Do you have any evidence ?"

"You know you can be in a big trouble for this Natalia if you're found guilty ."

"I didn't do anything ."

"I didn't know you can be this jealous of Huria for being a dean's daughter ."

"I've told you I didn't do anything , can you leave me alone ?" she continued through the hallway on her way home.

Huria who has been a victim of all this , went to her father to ask him if he could take her home , her father told her he was to be home late , he had a lot to do in his office , asked her if she didn't mind; she could take a taxi , Huria had no choice but to take a taxi back home .

When doctor Alfonso was done with his work , ran into his wife Connie in the hallway and asked her if he could take her back home with him , she agreed to go with him after all he was her husband , Alfonso kissed her , she kissed back and Rodrigo who was from talking to a receptionist was puzzled with what he was seeing , doctor Rodrigo was puzzled because for the past few days after that trip to a summer house , Connie and him had been talking a lot at the hospital , they talked about a couple of things of which some was Alfonso's schedule , the time when he was busy at work and when he wasn't at home , since then the two have been texting each other , developing their feelings for each other and this on going texting someday it disturbed Alfonso on the day when he asked her for a night out to a club , on that day after dressing up , Alfonso found her texting and asked her who she was texting to but she gave Sylvia as an excuse .

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