Alfonso Montealegre .

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On another morning at the university , doctor Alfonso Montealegre officially introduced himself to the students , told them he was to be the one teaching them biology ,Victor stood up and introduced himself to him and promised to do very well in his class, others students remained sited ,they had to do that from their seats but Victor showed too much of excitement about who was going to teach them biology , no one understood why Victor seemed to be more excited that Alfonso was the one to teach them biology .

After the class , doctor Montealegre asked Fiona if he could talk to her , she agreed to talk to the dean and so she followed him to his office .

"May I come in ?" Fiona pushed the door open .

"Come in Fiona ." Professor Montealegre showed her a seat .

"It's a beautiful library you have in here doctor," before she could take a seat , walked around his office . "Oh this book , I like this book ." She saw a book called 'The optimism bias by Tali Sharot '.

"Have you read it before ?"

"No sir .i simply always wanted to read it , used to see it in someone's office ."

"Well you can have it ."

"Seriously doctor!" she looked surprised.  "You mean for free?"

"Of course girl."

"Thank you doctor ."

"But anyway Fiona , that's not the reason why I called you here , for you to come and admire the books in my simple office library , I know, you and I didn't start at good terms and that's enough for us not to be  friends , but for the past few days , I've seen how hard working you're , i must say you're showing how committed you're to what you want , so in order to make it up to you , am inviting you for a seminar that will take place in the main hall and this will be an opportunity for you to prove more that you can be a good doctor ."

" You say a seminar doctor ?"

"Yes Fiona ,your classmates and the rest of other medical students will be there participating about a particular topic ."

"I'm on doctor ."

"That's good and by the way you can come here anytime you want for books to read, after all I've read them all , it will be right if you do read them too ."

"You've read them all?" She asked .

"Of course they 're in my library right ?, so it's hard not to read them all , you know it gets boring in here sometimes , I've always used that time to read them ."

"Thanks again doctor ." She tried to hug him , instead gave him a handshake .

"Now you can leave , I have a lot to do here ."

"It's all right doctor ." She nearly bumped into Dulcey, doctor montealegre's secretary as she was coming in .

"What is it Dulcey ?" Alfonso asked as she closed the door from inside .

"Professor I wanted to let you know that one of the students called Roman who have just joined is dropping out of this university, he claims that the professors of the university are unqualified, he doesn't agree with what he's taught and doctor , not to meddle but I thought this is a great opportunity to fill in your daughter Ms Hurianah Montealegre ."

"Thank you Dulcey for letting me know , I will think about it after this seminar , I don't even know what's with these new students , they're all weird in their own ways ."

"All right doctor ." She opened the door and closed it from outside to get back to her desk .

At the seminar , taking place in the main hall , doctor Alfonso introduced doctor Rodrigo who had been his assistant for quite sometime , Rodrigo had  helped him organizing the seminar ,he asked him to turn on the projector that was in front of a big screen , had to show the students who were in the audience above what they were to study that afternoon , on a screen it was a video clip in several images of a woman who was found dead besides a river , her stomach and her chest had cuts all over, the skin was wrinkled ,there was prolonged blotches and discoloration ranging in a hue from pink to dark red across all over her body ,the body was beginning to pimpling and peeling due to the long time it might have stayed under water and after describing how this video was taken and giving the name of the victim, doctor Alfonso asked the students in the audience to tell what could have been the cause of her death .

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