Pamela Luise .

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The two days Pamela luise had to stay at the hotel were out , she had to leave though she didn't want to , on the third day , the hotel room attendant came to remind her that she'd to check out of the room as soon as possible or else extend her stay . Pamela Luise told him the man who she was with on the day she checked in was to come that evening to extend her stay , the room attendant listened to her and left , allowed her to stay for more hours , later in the afternoon he came back after Pamela Luise had made a couple of calls to Felipe who was ignoring her calls , the room attendant asked her to leave the room as soon as possible , she told him to back off cause she was to gather her clothes and leave their stupid hotel room soon.

She gathered her clothes ,packed them inside the bag and left the room with dark glasses on to avoid an embarrassment downstairs ,thought maybe the room attendant told everyone downstairs about her situation , she went to the receptionist's desk to give back the keys , first she asked about the man she came with two days ago , the receptionist told her the man hadn't shown up yet , gave the keys back and took her bag then left the hotel , she went back to her old house with a white picket fence ,across the street she inspected whether Baragan was home or not , having made sure that he wasn't home , she threw her bag over the white picket fence, took off her high heels , threw them over next then climbed and fell over , went to the door and knocked to make sure no one was inside ,knocked thrice but no one was answering , went to a small flower garden closer to the door , next to the garden was a stone and under the stone she kept a copy of the house key which no one knew about , she got the key out and went to fix it inside the locker ,the key entered but it couldn't unlock the locker , she then realized that Baragan had changed the key lock .

" Damn it , this bastard is really trying to kick me out of my house ." She said to herself .

Having failed to get inside the house , she thought of Felipe again , had to find out why he never showed up to extend her stay at the hotel , why he isn't answering her calls , thought of going to his house but realized that no one might be there since it was working hours , headed to his office , passing through the revolving door . Vanessa couldn't believe it was her again , she never liked the woman , cursed the day when Felipe brought the woman to the law firm .

"So how can we help you this time around madam ?" She stepped in her way before she could take the stairs to Felipe's office .

"Get out of my way. I want to...... ." She felt nauseous before she could finish the sentence and asked for the bathroom .

Vanessa pointed to where the bathroom was , she rushed to the bathroom . Pamela Luise didn't know why all the sudden began getting nauseous, then remembered she had been skipping meals , her body didn't realize that skipping meals was to happen and so it was preparing for the arrival of food by producing digestive enzymes .

She came back from the bathroom so insentient .Vanessa wondered whether she was pregnant but thinking about how the two had just met , she dropped the idea, her condition made her feel sorry for her but the woman was bad news for her boss , so she took the advantage of her insentience and showed her the exit door instead of the way to Felipe's office , after taking two steps towards the exit door . Pamela Luise realized she was mocking her , she turned around and went upstairs leaving Vanessa chuckling at her .

At Felipe's office ,she knocked and entered without waiting for him to ask her to come in , she found him cleaning his eyes ,asked him whether he sleeps in his office .

"What do you think ? after all that has been going on , my wife came to know about everything ,she threw me out of the house and you're on my neck asking me to pay for your apartment yet I can not even afford one for myself ."

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