Predestined 1 : Arrival Time

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Goderich, Ontario, Canada

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Goderich, Ontario, Canada

"He had made up his mind?" Feng Lin asked her mother in law, who had just walked down from her son's room.

"Yes.." Madam Feng nodded calmly.

Feng Lin bended and cried again, "it's all my fault! If I hadn't pushed him to accept the proposal..None of this would have happened..!"

Madam Feng walked over to her daughter in law and sat down beside her, patting her back.

"Don't say that, ér xí (daughter-in-law)," Madam Feng sighed, "we all wanted him to accept the proposal. So, if anything, all of us are at fault...But let's not blame anybody...let's stop with this crying and give him our support.."

"I would never have thought that my oldest friend would do this to me..." Feng Gui Ho lit up his fifth cigarette in half an hour. He still couldn't believe that someone he trusted more than anybody else, would stab him on his back like this.

"Son..Believe me. Neither Liu Hong nor Liu Liqin, had wanted for this to happen too..It's not their decision..They were probably as torn as we are right now. Between our own feelings and wanting our beloved young ones to be happy..." As always, Madam Feng, the elder would be the wiser one.

"We were so sure..That they were made for each other...That Liu Minzhe had never looked at anybody else but our son since forever..Ever since he could see, he had been looking at our son with mesmerized gaze.. following our son like a shadow...I thought....."  Feng Gui Ho gritted his teeth, as he inhaled the cigarette more deeply.

"And so did the Lius..They had been wanting my grandson to be their son in law since birth too...So..this is probably as hard for them as it is hard for us.." madam Feng breathed in deeply, hugging her still crying daughter in law, "so let's stop blaming..and regretting...Let's think about your son, our beloved Dayu, and what's best for him.."

When her son and daughter in law, fell silent, Madam Feng continued, "when Liu Minzhe proposed, it was us who were so keen for your son to accept the proposal..Now, that everything fell's now our responsibility to support what he had decided for himself."

"But ma..he decided to to China of all places!" Feng Lin groaned, "China! That's more than 9000 kilometres away, ma...Can't he just go to the states..? Or England..? Why China?"

"Because we're Chinese. He'd always been wanting to rediscover his roots..." Feng Gui Ho said quietly then he turned to look at his wife, "maybe ma is right..maybe this is what our son needs right now..."

"But he'd never been away from us since birth..He'd never even set foot at the airport.." Feng Lin cried.

"ér xí." Madam Feng looked at her daughter in law, "your son is already twenty-five years old. Is it, he, who isn't ready to go and explore the world?..or is it us, who aren't letting him go?"

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