Predestined 167: Reunion

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"Dayu doesn't want to talk to you

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"Dayu doesn't want to talk to you.."

Qing winced when he heard his mother's words as she descended down the stairs to the family living room.

"I told you..." and his sister Jiyi, smirked at him, "serve to right! You moron..!" She even smiled, mockingly.

Qing's temper flared, "mind your own business!" Then, he looked at his mother pleadingly, "please, Ma..Can't I just go and see him?"


Dayu was resting in their room upstairs, but, he was detained at the living room by his sister and his mother when he wanted to go to Dayu.

When Qing arrived at his family mansion thirty minutes ago, he came to the living room, and found that all his family members were already there as if waiting for him- including his snakey sister, Jiyi.

"So, you've finally arrived, huh!" Jiyi sneered, as she saw Qing grumpily walked into the living room.

"Where is Dayu?" Was Qing's first question, then and he's already looking at the stairs, instinctively knowing that Dayu was upstairs.

Actually, Dayu was in the living room earlier, but the moment one of the house helpers came to inform them that the young master (which meant, Qing) was already at the front gate, Dayu immediately apologized and retreated to his room.

The family hadn't actually asked Dayu what's wrong, and Dayu hadn't said anything about it, but everybody knew that it had got something to do with Qing.

That's why, the minute Qing's mother told the rest of the family, about Dayu being at the family home, alone, all of them came rushing back. Qing's grandparents, Wang Bo and Wang Dailan and Qing's sister, Jiyi, arrived almost at the same time.

And Dayu was already talking with his parents in law in the family living room by then, after taking some time to rest.

And after only thirty minutes however, Qing arrived.

And Dayu excused himself to go back to their room. It's more than enough confirmation that indeed, Qing had done something wrong and it made Dayu mad enough to not want to look at Qing in the eye.

"He's in your room..But, sit down for a moment son." Wang Ho said to Qing, motioning Qing to sit.

Qing looked at his father and then at the sofa, not really wanting to delay the meeting with Dayu, "but...I..."

"Just sit down, Qing." And then came Wang Bomi's sterner and more colder toned, words. Qing looked at his mother and he finally saw the look of anger in his mother's eyes.

Qing gulped, as he sat down tentatively.

"What's going on, Qing?" Wang Bomi asked her son, wanting to know what made her son in law flew into so much rage that he could left Qing behind.

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