Predestined 147: Special Condition

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Professor Yan looked shaken

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Professor Yan looked shaken. He had turned pale initially and then he froze in his seat, looking at Dayu, as Dayu told him that big big news.

Finally, Dayu made up his mind to tell Professor Yan; the supervising professor for his Ph.D, turned friend and then colleague and Department Head. He knew he couldn't possibly keep it a secret for much long, from the professor. He is Dayu's boss at the university after all. He just couldn't possibly keep handing up sick leaves without telling the professor anything. And the professor is also his friend, too. He deserved to know.

"Feng JianYu..if this is some kind of a joke...?" Even though, Professor Yan knew that Dayu would never joked about something as serious like this; but this so mind boggling, Professor Yan was having a hard time to even believe if this was in fact a reality.

"I'm not, Professor.." Dayu shook his head, taking pity of the professor's confusion and shock, by putting a paper in front of the professor.

Sometimes it's easier to understand something which one could also read, instead of just only hear of. And the professor had always been one of those people who are like this.

"What's this..?" Professor Yan frowned.

"My medical Stats.." Dayu said, and Professor Yan opened the document slowly, with trembling fingers. Indeed, it was an in-depth explanation on Dayu's condition, signed by a team of doctors, led by one of the most prominent gynaecologist in China.

"Dr. Lam?"

"Yes...He's the lead doctor of the medical team, assigned to me, by Qing's family..."

" real?"

"Yes.." Dayu answered.

"Dayu ah.You're..saying..that..You're..." Professor Yan gulped, "a hermaphrodite?"

"I'm not just saying it,'s already proven..I'm a pseudo female..." Dayu explained what was already written in the medical document.

Professor Yan isn't actually an expert in medical field, but he do know a little bit about this matter. He had friends from the medical department and one of them was Dr Lam.

Hermaphroditism wasn't something that's really that uncommon, and Professor Yan knew that it's real; but Dayu's case is something different. There was never a documented and medically authenticated case of a pseudo female with the ability to conceive just like a real female, in the world to his knowledge. Dayu is the first.

"I'm sorry Dayu ah...I'm just...Speechless...This is something big..." Professor Yan, who was finally beginning to believe, gave Dayu a guilty and apologetic smile.

"Yeah..If this goes out; I would become much more than a mere spectacles..." Dayu nodded, "that's why, we are keeping this under wrap, for as long as we can.." the medical world would be changed forever. And everybody would want to have a piece of him. Literally.

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