Predestined 61: Change is Going to Come

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Dayu frowned. His mother's voice sounded very shrilly. He called home every two days or so, just to talk about how his days went by and they had been talking normally for a few weeks now.

His family didn't worry anymore about him being in China. After more than a month, Dayu was settling down nicely and thus his family began to feel at ease. His mother didn't cry anymore everytime he called, like the first few weeks. In fact, they could even exchanged jokes already.

Dayu would always ask his mother to put him on loudspeaker so that all the family could hear him if he called them using the voice call. Dayu would video call them from time to time though, not as often as his family wanted. The reason? Dayu didn't want the family to notice his expression.

Dayu hadn't told them about Qing. And Dayu was afraid that if he video called them too often they would caught the changes that he was beginning to experience.

And Dayu had been going about, to and fro between calling his family via video call or voice call, today. Though, at the very last minute, Dayu opted to call them via voice call only.

But the moment his call got through tonight, however, Dayu immediately knew from his mother's tone that there's something wrong.

"Er xí, let Dayu speak first!" Dayu heard his grandmother said from the background.

"Yes, wife..Let our son speak, first...please...calm down!" And that's his father. Something is clearly wrong because his father who's always sounded calm, even though during time of tribulation, also sounded very alarmed, just now.

"Ma..Put me on speaker please...?" Instinctively Dayu knew, he had to tell his family about Qing, NOW.

"Okay..." his mother's voice was trembling. She's trying to control her emotions, "'re on speaker now.."

"Guys.. Are you there?" Dayu began.

"We're here, Dayu ah.." his grandmother answered.

"How are you, son?"

"I'm fine, father...Uhm.." there's no time to spare, "I have something very important to tell you guys.."

Dayu heard gasps of voices and then silence- they're waiting for him to speak.

"I met someone here..." Dayu was sitting down, hunching on Qing's couch, hugging his knees to himself, while talking to his family.

Qing watched Dayu, from the kitchen, taking note of Dayu's unique body positioning. Dayu would sit like that, when he's in a turmoil of an emotions, like when he's extremely nervous or very sad or deeply confused. And right now, his lover is extremely nervous.

Again Dayu heard a collective gasps from his family members again but they're not saying anything. They're giving me the chance to tell them everything. Dayu realised it. The family didn't want him to back down or to clam up, by responding too soon with responses that would alarm Dayu.

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