Predestined 169: Earnest

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"Ma...! Baba..!"


Qing greeted his parents in law first when he saw Dayu went to his grandmother.

He's really trying to be on his best behaviour, where Dayu is concerned right now. Dayu really seemed to take what he told Qing ; about the 'no 'sex' punishment he gave Qing because of yesterday's incident.

He and Dayu had lunch with his family, at his family home yesterday. And though, Dayu acted normal; talking with Qing and not ignoring Qing at all ; there's, an indescribable 'aura' around Dayu which told everybody that not all's well. Nothing's seemed to be how it looked like on the outside.

And nobody felt it more than Qing. He could feel the coldness of Dayu's 'aura' as they sat around the dining table. And also when he was driving them both back to the house (they left the Audi in the family garage and used Qing's rover to go back).

Dayu was answering everything that Qing's asking. And Dayu was speaking normally; too normally, it was scary. Still; Qing knew better than to ask or comment anything about it because he was afraid that'd bring more trouble than what he already faced at the moment.

Even as they arrived home, everything was 'normal'; until it was time to sleep. Up until now, even though they'd not necessarily progressed into having sex; they'd always make out on the bed before going to sleep. Kissing and touching each other; sometimes giving each other's fellatio. But not that night. After taking a shower; Dayu just went to bed, and laid on the bed reading a book calmly. When Qing crawled next to him; Dayu glanced at him and asked, "going to sleep already?"

So, what else was Qing to answer than said 'yes', with his heart beating so loudly in anticipation. Dayu smiled and put the book on the table beside their bed, before switching off the bedside lamp on his side and slid into Qing's arms. But, as soon as Dayu laid in Qing's arms, he said, "goodnight, Qing..." and he closed his eyes.

Qing was rendered speechless. There's nothing that he could say or do except to whisper back, "goodnight, love..." and knew for sure that Dayu really meant it when he said, there'd be 'no 'sex' between them.

And Qing almost groaned aloud, when he remembered the rest of the punishment; not only would they have 'no sex', but he (Qing) wouldn't be able to get any for two weeks! Two weeks!

The impact of Dayu's wrath, hadn't sank in properly until that particular time. It was only the , that Qing finally new just how seriously screwed up he was. For the next two weeks.

And, his treacherous body; without listening to the reasons of his head, went hard as he felt Dayu's body warmth seeping through their clothings and as Dayu's scent began tempting in his nostrils.

All in all, Qing had to visit the bathroom for a number of times that night; and not all of his visits were to pee.

If Qing thought that one day would have cooled Dayu's 'cold and silent fiery' temper, he was wrong. the next morning, Dayu woke up cheerfully. But still; he was 'too cheerful' ; meaning, Dayu was still in the same mood as he was yesterday.

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