Predestined 185: Face the Music

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Dayu and Qing couldn't understand it, they looked at each other and then simultaneously looked at the Fengs, asking them the same question, "Why!?"

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Dayu and Qing couldn't understand it, they looked at each other and then simultaneously looked at the Fengs, asking them the same question, "Why!?"


After they had their heart to heart talk, when Qing explained in detail about who leaked the information of Dayu's pregnancy and the reason for it; they sat down together. They sat down, taking sips of their drinks waiting for their emotions to calm down.

Qing made it. He made it through yet another troubles caused by someone from his past. All thanks to his in laws, objective evaluation of the matter and Dayu's firm and unwavering support. If it's up to his family, they might have hit him, if it wasn't because of Dayu. His mother even looked like, she's about to disown him.

But finally, he was forgiven and acquitted. Even though, there's still actually a tiny little smear of guilt inside his heart, it wouldn't bother him anymore. He wouldn't let it. He'd better not let such things get to him, because this thing might repeat again in the future. He'd have to be strong so that when this happen again; he'd not be too distraught, like he did this time. He couldn't always rely on Dayu to be strong for him, when such things happen. He'd have to be stronger for the both of them and their children.

Qing and Dayu continued to help hands, constantly leaning against each other, smiling into each other's eyes without saying a word.

Then, the silence was finally broken; when Dayu's father began talking to Qing's father and the topic jolted Qing and Dayu upright on the couch, "I hope, the deal on the house had already been settled..?"

"Ah..Yes..We had finalized the agreement yesterday..." Wang Ho nodded, "it's move in ready..."

Dayu blinked at Qing's father and then at his father, "what are you guys talking about?"

"Dayu ah...Qing ah.." Feng Gui Ho smiled at his two sons, "we have decided to buy a house here in Beijing..."

Dayu's eyes went big with shock, as Qing gasped in disbelief, "what!?"

He turned to his mother and grandmother in law, "you guys knew about this?" He asked.

"Yes...Actually, we have been discussing about this with your father, the last time we were here.." Qing's mother in law replied, "we knew that we would be visiting often...of course we needed to buy a house..." after Dayu gives birth, they wouldn't be able to stay away long. They'd constantly want to come and visit. That's why they needed a house here in Beijing.

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