Predestined 51:Old Habits

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Goderich, OntarioCanada

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Goderich, Ontario

"She's not going to meet you, Minzhe.." Madam Feng looked at the sullenly looking man, slumped on the couch in front of her.

Liu Minzhe, whom she had always thought would be his grand son in law until a little more than two months ago, had been visiting their house for the past three days, wanting to see her and Feng Lin, her daughter in law, Dayu's mother.

Liu Minzhe had threw them away, without even coming to explain or apologize when he came back from his cruise, with a woman.

And now, he'd been coming. Three days in a row. After two months. She agreed to meet him, although she had not heard much from the man except from seeing him looking dejected and hearing him apologize over and over again.

And, Dayu's mother refused to see him. He waited from morning to afternoon for two days now yet, Feng Lin didn't even came out, not even for a minute. She even had her food sent to her room.

To tell the truth, Madam Feng also didn't want to see this man, who had brought so much heartache to Dayu. And to the family; to both sides of the family, the Feng and the Liu alike. But she's too old to bear grudges for long, unlike her younger daughter in law. It's too stressful for her.

What's done was done; Liu Minzhe and Dayu were not meant to be. It's as simple as that. There's no point in dragging the hurt into hatred. And Liu Minzhe used to be their favourite person after Dayu, for years. She couldn't forget those years of affection that easily.

"Have you met Dayu's father?" Madam Feng asked.

"Yes, grandma..." Minzhe nodded. He managed to meet with Dayu's father yesterday, but, he was very cold and very distant. He couldn't say anything other than apologize for what he had done and even that only received a simple and curt nod. He couldn't bring himself to tell him that he wanted Dayu back. Not yet.

He also came to the Feng residence to get the Feng ladies' backing. They adored him to pieces. They had always been his ally when it comes to Dayu. But, Dayu's mother didn't even want to see him. And Dayu's grandmother, though she still treated him politely, seemed distant just like Dayu's father.

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