Predestined 178: Fun Filled

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"Tired...?" Qing sat down beside Dayu who was lying on the bed, ruffling his hair a little. He stretched his legs on the bed, and leaned against the bed head board, turning on his laptop in front of him.

Dayu smiled, "a little..." it was not so much as he's tired physically rather, he's actually tired emotionally. And Qing  knew it.

Even he could feel the aftermath of the roller coaster of emotions they'd experience this afternoon. And if he felt like this, surely it must have impacted dayu twice as much; being in his state; pregnant and all.

Finally, the secret they'd been keeping for several months was out. The news; that they'd be having twins came out as a huge shock to everybody, just like Qing and Dayu had anticipated.

Watching how their family members and close friends reacted to the news, by being confused at first, and then turned to screams of elated shock and then to tears of joy; affected both Qing and Dayu but, Dayu was hit especially hard.

Almost everybody was crying tears of joy by then, except for a few people, who were able to contain their emotions fairly well, even though their eyes did redden when they saw the other crying.

Zhang Lei, Cai Zhao and Qing managed to stop themselves from bawling their eyes out like the others; probably because they have their own emotional other half to cater to.

Qing had never thought that he'd see his father and grandfather shed tears like they did, when the news finally hit them; sure, maybe a tear or two but not like that. They really cried their heart out, hugging their wives, before they made group hugs with the rest of the family members; his sister,  Dayu's parents and grandmother.

Then, everybody went to them; giving him the tightest of hugs and giving Dayu the most gentlest. No words were necessary, everybody just expressed their joy with their expressions and actions.

They continued the celebration by doing some fun stuff; with Qing and Dayu delivering the punishment to everybody because nobody managed to win their bet; everybody lose because they voted for a boy and a girl; when it was actually both. Well, the guys did try their best to plead their case saying that Qing and Dayu didn't give them any clue at all. But of course; Qing and Dayu being the judges, overruled it. Hence, everybody was punished.

The punishment was innocent enough; food dare.

Everybody picked out randomly five types of food which were later blended in together and they had to eat it.

It was fun seeing Cai Zhao acting brave while watching a banana, some chillies, a spoon of chocolate, half glass of milk and a cucumber being blended for him. His reactions was completely different from Qiushi who was already wanting to puke when his food dare was prepared; a cucumber, a slice of cake, a slice of cheese, half glass of yogurt and some lemongrass. Nevertheless, the end result was the same. Both of them threw up into the provided basin, after they finished their food dare.

Some like Linda and Wang Yu gege had it easy because they picked out, the food that they could stomach. Linda got half glass of yoghurt, a slice of cheese, half glass of corn kennels, a banana and a spoon of chocolate. She said, it tasted like a glass of ice cream shake and finished it in one go, which made everyone else wanted to smack her. Wang Yu gege, got and even more tastier food dare; half glass of milk, a banana, a spoon of chocolate, half a glass of corn kennels and some cream crackers. He wanted more when he finished his food dare.

At the end of the punishment; some made it through without puking so much and some had it bad. A few actually got really lucky. It was a success. Qing and Dayu had so much laugh and fun, watching everybody's reaction.

After the food dare, they had a game amongst the men; folding baby clothes and diapers. Qing and Dayu's  mothers and grandmothers were the judges.

Then, it was the women's turn to play a game; they competed by singing a lullaby song, which was so funny because all the women were actually tone deaf, they couldn't hold a key if their lives depended on it. Hence, it was hilarious as hell.

The last game they played, was a game that everybody took part in including Dayu and Qing. It's called, The Peg game; where each person put 5 pegs on their clothes and then whenever someone shouted 'baby!' they'd try to steal other people's pegs. The winner was the person with the most pegs. And it was Dayu who won, because Qing stole most of everyone else's pegs and Dayu would steal them from him; he also guarded Dayu so much so that nobody managed to get even one peg off him. He's kind of like a King serving his Queen.

It was the last game before they started preparing for the barbecue. They had barbecued chicken wings, sausages, corns, tomatoes and aubergines for dinner. It was a simple dinner, but nothing tasted bad and it felt so good, because they were eating with the people they love.

After dinner, everybody helped cleaning up the garden and some did the dishes.

By 8 o'clock that night, everybody finally bid goodbye to Qing and Dayu; including Dayu's family. Tonight, they'd be staying at Qing's family, because they'd be flying back to Canada in a few days. No doubt they'd be having a drinking session, Qing thought. Not that he had anything against it though. He couldn't be thankful enough to have in laws and family, who could get along so well like this.

He and Dayu took their bath together before drying each other and went to bed.

Qing knew that Dayu was probably very the tired; and so, he held himself from making any sexual moves towards Dayu even they're bathing naked together. It's hard, practising self control like this, but, Qing loved Dayu so much; he'd sacrifice his physical needs anytime if Dayu's not up to it.

The beautiful man is pregnant with his child; and with that thought Qing was able to curb his desire and pushed it to the back of his mind. It would always come back at midnight, after Dayu fell asleep, and it'd cause him to lose his sleep. But; hey, he's expert in relieving himself now.

He had several choices; take a cold shower, relieve himself in the toilet, or jerk off in bed while watching his beloved's sleeping face.  So, he's okay with this.

"Uhmm..." Dayu mumbled, opening his eyes to look at Qing, "this is the first time in two weeks that we're finally alone, huh?"

"Uhum.."Qing nodded, opening up his weibo account and began uploading the photos taken during the baby shower, onto his strictly-private pictures.

There were a lot of pictures that Qing had uploaded on his weibo account, which could only be accessed by people he approved and only family members and their closest friends could see them.

Most of the pictures were of Dayu of course, starting from the first moment he got pregnant until today. Qing kept these pictures in his weibo account under the album tagged; My Beloved. It depicted their journey as parents-to-be.

"Hey, Qing..?" Dayu called.

"Hmmm..?" Qing replied, still busy with his laptop.

"Let's make love..?"

Qing froze. Did he hear it, right? He looked at Dayu slowly, afraid that he's just hearing things.

"Huh-?" Qing blinked at Dayu with hopeful yet doubtful expression.

"Let's make love, my baby-daddy..?" Dayu winked at Qing, and gave Qing a seductive smile.

Qing inhaled a sharp intake of breath, as he closed his laptop and put it unceremoniously on the table next to the bed, then he slipped inside the blanket engulfing Dayu's body with his own.

Damn. He's hard! Qing thought as he grinded down on Dayu's groin and felt the unmistakable bulge. And then he felt his own manhood sprang to life in one second.

This is one hell of a fun-filled day! Qing shouted happily in his mind as he bent and took Dayu's waiting lips in a passionate and lustful kiss.

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