Predestined Special; Anniversary Dinner(Behind the Scene)

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"Hello, Rico

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"Hello, Rico...!" It's really him.

Wang Qing; his professional rival turned close friend. He had been so busy with his concerts and it had been a few months since Rico last heard from him.

"Yo!" Rico smiled, delightedly, "Wang Qing, leader of the Jade's Knights..! To what do I owe this call?"

"Darn it, Rico...I was busy, okay..!" Whenever he could he always bring the guys and his family to eat at Rico's Fiume to change the feels of always eating at his grandparents restaurant. Rico's was  Even his grandparents, would come to Fiume if they wanted to eat Italian dishes.

Rico, was the missing link to Qing's past as their beloved Michelin star chef, before he became the full fledged musician he was now. Not that the Wang family had anything against Qing becoming a singer though; not after they saw that Qing was really serious and became one of the best too. But, sometimes they wanted to reminiscent about Qing's glorious past as a chef too, so they loved to come and talked about Qing with Rico.

"Yeah..I know..You just wrapped up your tour in Japan.." Rico said, "hmm..I heard some interesting stories about you while you're in Japan..Another secret rendezvous, it seemed..?"

Qing muttered at the other side of the line, "where did you heard that, from?"

"Well..From a certain guy...Who happened to be your cousin..You always left him in the dark, Qing..." Rico laughed, they had a close group in weibo, that would allow them to chat with each other privately, and Qing was in it but he seldom visited it, thus, they used it to bash Qing. It wasn't actually behind Qing's back; he was after all in the group, he just almost never joined in the chat.

"Well..It doesn't matter. It was already over..."

"Wait..? Over..?? But didn't you hooked up with her just weeks ago?" Rico knew just how much of a player his friend was but this is by far the shortest relationship he had. Though the girl involved with him now, was by far the best in all department; beautiful, sexy, successful.

Not that it affected him though; Rico wasn't interested in girls romantically. But he could still appreciate their beauty and all.

"If it's really Sakurada Mei, then why broke up so shortly after hooking up? She's a beauty..."

"She wanted to give me a couple T-shirts.." Qing said and immediately Rico understood.

That's a symbol of commitment. Couple T-shirts. Qing had an aversion of everything that symbolized commitment. No wonder, Sakurada Mei only lasted three weeks.

"I thought, finally...You're going to bring someone else beside the guys and the family to my restaurant.." Rico laughed. He thought that maybe, after five years, Qing was finally serious with somebody. "So..what's up?"

"I'm booking your restaurant..."

Rico nodded, "okay..When..? The usual table..?" Qing's either bringing the family or the guys or both groups.

"No. The whole restaurant."

"A party?" Rico asked, Qing had never hosted a party at his restaurant before.

"Nope. A dinner date. Candle light. The most romantic."

Rico gaped. He literally almost tripped while standing up so suddenly from his seat, in his office.

"But..!? Didn't you just broke up with Sakurada Mei..?" Rico was shocked, speechless, and confused.

"Or, you're helping someone else place a booking..?"

"No..I'm bringing someone over.." Qing sounded so dreamy suddenly, and it was so clear in his voice that  Rico coughed.

"Good God! You broke up with Sakurada Mei just two weeks ago, right?" Rico shook his head, "and you already found someone else..? You're unbelievable..." Rico chuckled, getting some of his composure a little now, "but..The entire restaurant..?? Really..? Just how long have you known this person..?"

"Two weeks..I met that person the day I came back from Japan. I've been pursuing that person relentlessly and I finally got that person to accept me, a week ago..." Rico had to think fast to cope with what Qing was telling him.

He had never heard Qing talk in this tone before; he sounded too excited and too happy. Wang Qing had never talked about any of his exes like this before.

And Rico had never heard of Qing doing any pursuing at all before.

"Pursued..? You pursue this person?" Rico gulped.

"Yes..Relentlessly.." Qing's voice was his own but the tone wasn't. Rico really thought that he's talking with a different person.

"And this is..your one week anniversary?" Rico had never heard of such a thing. And he certainly never expected Wang Qing of all people to come up with such idea.

"You're not pulling my leg, are you?" Rico asked suspiciously.

"Rico, old friend....If you don't believe me, I'll book another restaurant then...!"

"Hey! I didn't say I don't believe you. But this is just so..." unbelievable. Rico amended silently. It doesn't matter if Qing was only pulling his leg, he wouldn't let the chance pass to meet this special person that had the power to make his playboy friend pursue her (Rico didn't know that it was a 'he', yet) and whom, his playboy friend was now booking the whole restaurant for a candle lit dinner; commemorating their one week anniversary.

Whether this is true or not, Rico wanted to see it for himself.

If Qing's for real; then, finally. This could be the one who managed to capture his heart after all these years. And maybe, this time, Qing would be serious with someone for once.

"When is this anniversary dinner, then?" Rico asked.

"In two days time.." Qing said, "and I mean it Rico. The whole restaurant. And the most romantic candle lit dinner. The best food on the table."

Rico resigned himself in believing what his ear was hearing, for the time being; no matter how preposterous it may sound; hearing it from Qing.

"Right..Got it.." Rico agreed, "what time?"

"7.30 or 8.00.." Qing sounded merry, "thank you, Rico..!" He really sounded so merry. And again, Rico thought he's talking with someone else.

"I wouldn't let this chance go..I've been asking you to bring your girlfriends to my restaurant for years. You never did...!" Rico reminded Qing. Qing laughed.

"Well..I am bringing someone now. And believe me..this one's really special..."

Two days later, when Qing arrived with that person; that's Rico really  understood. The person who Qing took to the restaurant was really special.

It's not a woman. It's a man. And he's such an exquisitely beautiful man; really Rico's type. Which made Rico flipped. Though, the man was off limit; Qing was guarding him like a lion guarding it's den.

Never in a million light years had Rico imagined his playboy friend Wang Qing, would be coming with a man; or imagined that Qing would be head over heels with the man. But it happened. Both of the situation happened.

One look at Qing and Rico knew. Wang Qing was hooked. On the man named Feng JianYu.

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