Predestined Special; Side Stories, The Encounter

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It's hard not to get involved. Even when your heart was broken; because in the end you still care for that person.

Zhang Lei found himself still awake at midnight writing that page about the professor; whom people were carelessly labelling attention seeker, gold digger and middle aged man with middle life crisis. All of these crazy and untrue posts about the professor on weibo ever since his involvement with Wang Qing was finally made public by the very man himself; were not making his heart at ease.

He should just ignore them; as his friends had said. This was the risk the professor had to take, being relationship with one of the most popular artists in Asia's entertainment industry. They told him that the professor would have expected and got ready for this. It will pass. They said.

But Zhang Lei just couldn't leave things be. He had made his research about the professor in the beginning when he first decided to pursue him. And everything he dug up, made him a fan of him more and more. He really was in love with the professor but as things turned out; he never had any chance at all from the start. The professor was already with another man.

When Zhang Lei heard that Wang Qing was in the university cafe having lunch with Professor Feng JianYu and even acting weirdly lovey dovey, he was shocked. He knew that Wang Qing was crazy about the professor, even crazier than he is, but coming to the university? What was the man thinking? The professor would be hounded left and right; by people over their relationship from now on. At first Zhang Lei was angry thinking about how could Wang Qing put the man he loved through such ordeal?

But, then again, as he continued to think, this is perhaps for the best. Wang Qing didn't want to wait for the paparazzi to unveil them. And instead of dating in secret, he'd rather they become public as soon as possible. Wang Qing had his own ways of thinking. Though, he might not necessarily agree, but at the end of the day; it's the professor's life; His and his fiance, Wang Qing. They would be able to get through these commotions.

Still; because he knew the professor; and because he would always admire the professor for as long as he lives; he would do his part; as the professor's student and fan.

So, Zhang Lei created a fan page about the professor. He put there, all the real information that he knew about him, to counter attack all those hateful lies created by haters.

Zhang Lei didn't know if people would read it, and accept it, but he needed to do this to make his heart feel at ease. He knew the professor wasn't all these things their painted him to be. And he couldn't leave things as they are. As someone who knew about the professor; Zhang Lei had to do something.

It was such a huge surprise and relief when he opened his weibo the next morning and found that his post had been shared by thousands of people. Zhang Lei was glad.

He also got dozens of friend requests and dozens o private messages. No doubt; they were all because of his post about the professor.

Normally, he would just ignored all the friend requests and messages but somehow, today he opened them and scrolled over them.

Then, one message caught his attention. A simple thank you message.

Dear sir,

Whoever you are; thank you for the page about Professor Feng JianYu. I really appreciate it. It's nice to have people who still care to tell the truth nowadays. 

God bless.

Wang Yu.

Zhang Lei blinked. Thinking to himself, that name sound interesting. Wang; is the person related to Wang Qing? The way he wrote the message, it really sounded as if he knew the Professor.

And instinctively Zhang Lei wrote his reply.

Dear sir,

You're welcome. Despite all, it wouldn't ease my mind to ignore telling people what I know.


Zhang Lei.


The person who posted that page about Dayu; replied to his weibo message.

Wang Yu was surprised and pleased at the same time. When he read that page about Dayu at dawn today, he was pleasantly surprised. Someone took the time to make the page in Dayu's defence although it was only a page that introduced who Dayu really was but, it's enough to make people think differently of Dayu than what they had thought.

As someone who had been working in the entertainment industry for five years, he knew that it's useless to retaliate on social media on things like this. Wang Qing had already made a plan on how he would do things, hence he wouldn't lecture him on that. Qing knew what he's doing.

But, even though he said that it's useless to retaliate using the social media; he just couldn't help but be thankful when someone did post something positive about Dayu.

So he wrote a thank you message. When he opened his Weibo this morning, there was a reply to his message.

And Wang Yu was surprised. He didn't expect that the person would reply. And so soon at that.

Zhang Lei, who's this man? A student of Dayu? It seemed that he's pretty well informed about Dayu.

Dayu really have so many people who liked him and wanted to protect him. Wang Yu smiled to himself.


Wang Yu arrived at the restaurant. Ten minutes early. He's finally meeting up with his new friend, Zhang Lei for lunch today.

It had been a few weeks since they first exchanged weibo messages, and surprisingly, they began messaging each other everyday.

At first, they were only talking about Dayu but then, their conversation began taking a new shape. They began talking about themselves.

It's crazy, Wang Yu knew, to be talking honestly and truthfully with someone you've just met through the social media and to expect the other person to be truthful and honest as well. But, somehow, he trusted Zhang Lei.

They had become fast friends. And somehow, he felt comfortable talking with him more and more. In fact, when Zhang Lei asked him to meet up, in person, Wang Yu didn't even hesitated to say 'yes'.

And here he is now. Meeting Zhang Lei for the first time. It's rare to find someone you could be this comfortable with; in such a short time.

And knowing that Zhang Lei, used to like Dayu romantically too, this meeting should be interesting. They could share some interesting stories about Dayu's boyfriend/fiance too.

"Uhm.. Mr Wang Yu..?" Wang Yu glanced up and saw a man standing by his table. He blinked, in confusion.

"Yes....?" Wang Yu replied, looking at the man questioningly, "may I help you with anything, sir?"

"It's nice to finally meet you.." the man smiled, "I'm Zhang Lei."

Wang shot up from his seat, almost knocking the chair over, "what??" He paled, "you're...Zhang Lei???"

"Yes.." Zhang Lei really loved the reaction this man was giving him. He looked so cute.

"I thought you're a girl!" Wang Yu hissed, "the profile picture was a girl...!?"

"That's my sister's picture.." Zhang Lei continued to smile.

Wang Yu gasped, shocked and flustered. He hadn't been expecting to meet with a man today. And he didn't even prepare himself to talk with a man. He thought he'd be talking with a girl.

He's not good meeting with men. Especially ones as good looking as this.

Wang Yu blushed. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, "sorry..I was too shocked." Nonetheless, hed have to get through this one and be done with this meeting, "please have a seat."

Wou. He changed. The moment he realised I was a man. Zhang Lei felt something began to lit inside of him.

He felt challenged. And he felt excited again- for the first time since he gave up on the Professor.

Wang Yu. Good looking. Slender body. Milky white skin. A pretty boy. His type.

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