Predestined 181: Dealing with It

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The moment the door to the Conference Hall was opened; silence swept all over the room

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The moment the door to the Conference Hall was opened; silence swept all over the room.

It's a rare sight; for them to see all the Wangs coming in together like this. The CEO and his wife , the President and his wife and both his children were walking together with unreadable expression that chilled the air.

Normally, only President Wang Ho and his daughter, Vice President ; Wang Jiyi, who'd be involved in any meetings with Peking Hospitals board of directors.

But not today. Today's meeting, wasn't like any other meetings.

Today; all share holders of the Peking Hospitals, came together attending the ad hoc meeting. That's why the all the Wangs came because they're all the share holders, except for Mr Feng JianYu, Wang Qing's partner who owned a whopping 12 percent shares, which was given as a present by his mother in law, his father in law and his grandparents in law. He was the only one of the Wang family, who didn't attend.

And everybody knew why.

The Wangs rarely showed their distrust and their disappointment to people; but this time; each and every one of them were giving that vibe. Their expression might not be telling much but, everybody could feel the coldness in their eyes.

After greeting everybody and bowing to each other and everyone else, everybody sat down in their seats and prepared for what's to come.

The CEO took the mic and addressed everybody with his magnetic gaze; which his son and his grandson inherited.

"Good morning everybody." He began, without smiling, "I wouldn't waste time by going back and forth with anything. I will go straight to the matter at hand. The reason for this ad hoc meeting; is to find the culprit or culprits who leaked my grandson in laws lab results and samples.." his voice was soft but it cut through everybody like the sharpest of knives.

"This is unacceptable. I cannot believe that we were betrayed by our own people." He continued, looking at all the board of directors; the head of departments of the Peking Hospital.

"When we brought Wang Qing's partner here; we thought that he would be sheltered. That we would be able to keep this within the family." He took a deep disappointed breath, "we never envisioned that our trust would be betrayed and now, we are facing such situation..."

Every Head of Departments  flinched on their seats as they took the blow as a whole. The CEO was right. They are a family. The Wangs owned the Peking Hospitals but, they had always instilled in the sense of belonging within the staffs working in the Peking Hospital in Beijing and also the two branch of Peking Hospitals in Shanghai and in Guangzhou.

Even though, the Wang family were clearly the owner; they put the management of the hospitals in the hands of the head of departments. The Wang, only oversaw what funding needed by the hospitals and they never interfered in the management department.

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