Predestined 14: Total Chaos

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"Don't talk to me.." Dayu hissed, still trembling visibly while clutching his shirt with his knees sticking close to his chest. He was huddled in a ball, all the way at the end of the couch, in the practice room.

Qing was sitting at the other end; breathing hard and was torn by all sorts of emotions. Everything was so new to him; and yet, he understood them all very clearly.

About thirty minutes ago..

"What in the world, do you think you're doing?" Dayu hissed the words at Qing.

And finally, Qing got Dayu's eyes on him.

It was only by the stroke of luck that he knew of his cousin's meeting with Dayu today. They're already getting ready to go to the shoot when Qing remembered to ask his cousin wherr he would be because he's not coming with them to the photoshoot.

When his cousin replied that he had a meeting with Dayu, Qing said okay and hung up. It was very fortunate that the photoshoot was managed by one of Qing's long time friend, and it was supposed to be shot at the magazine's own studio, so it made it easier for Qing to reschedule it.

His four band members and friends were only left gaping at Qing when they listened to him making arrangements to reschedule the photoshoot.

"Something came up." Qing gave his reasons, then he looked at his band members, "you guys want to do this today? I can always tell them to shoot without me.."

"Well.." Cai Zhao looked at Qing, "I don't grandmother came for a visit actually and I would rather be at home today..."

"Me too..I can sleep all day..." Qiushi twisted his body and yawn, "we have been doing photoshoot all day yesterday face hurt from too much smiling.."

"Yeah..And we can go fishing...!" Hiro and Aroon shared the same hobby; fishing. They would go fishing together whenever they have free time.

Qing smiled then proceeded to reschedule the photoshoot.

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