Step Six ; Only Mine

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"Qing!" Dayu held on to Qing's hand, as the man lunged to his feet, with expression already intent on killing

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"Qing!" Dayu held on to Qing's hand, as the man lunged to his feet, with expression already intent on killing.

"The man is still here? Even after your call..??? " Qing was hissing, his fists clenching on his sides, "and he even had the nerve to come to your apartment?"

"Qing ah...Please...Calm down..Please..?" Dayu begged as he continued to held on to Qing's hand. Dayu had never seen Qing like this.

Qing gave Dayu a look; and there's that killer look in his eyes again, "I am calm...Don't you see..I'm very calm, right now.." even Qing's voice sounded as scary as hell at the moment. A sudden chill ran across Dayu's entire body.

No, he's not calm. His voice might not even tremble and his mouth might even slanted upwards a bit; almost as if he's smiling. And for those who didn't know Qing, would probably think that he's really calm, just like he had said.

No, Qing is not calm. He feels like killing someone. That someone is begging to be killed. And I am going to do just that. Qing thought crazily.

"Wang Qing!" Dayu tugged at Qing's hand, as he called out go Qing, with his most heartfelt plea, "please...please...listen to me..!" Qing is losing his sanity.

"if you kill that man, you would be locked away for life, and then what would happen to me?" Dayu beseeched. Qing stopped walking.

Dayu grabbed at the chance, "if I lost you..where would that left me? You'd be leaving me behind..alone...then what do you expect me to do..?"

Dayu's pleading pleas finally reached Qing's consciousness and jolted him back to reality. Dayu's right. He couldn't kill the man.

If he kill that man; he would lose Dayu as well. And losing Dayu was not an option.

"Do you want to leave me..? I would be all alone. And I don't want that..Being alone...Maybe I'd find myself a new love..?"

Qing gasped, turned to Dayu instantly, and enveloped Dayu in his arms in a crushing embrace, "stop! Just stop!!" Qing knew that Dayu was just saying those things to remind him of the precious things to him, rather than focus on the things he found hateful, like Dayu's ex fiance who's now at his old apartment no doubt looking for Dayu. Dayu's words were still hurtful, nonetheless. He couldn't tolerate imagining, Dayu without him- finding a new love.

"Now...Would you listen to me..? Qing ah..?" Dayu burrowed his face into Qing's chest, and Qing nodded vigorously.

"That man..I have got to meet him..If I want to put a stop to this madness..I have to meet him face to face.."

"No!!" Qing flinched, he would never allow Dayu within a walking distance of the man, "No!"

"Qing ah.." Dayu could hear the worry, the fear and the possessiveness in Qing's voice; which was really unnecessary considering, there was nothing for Qing to worry about.

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