Predestined 163: Moving In

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Dayu was picking up the box filled with his books when he heard a loud crash and a shriek behind him

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Dayu was picking up the box filled with his books when he heard a loud crash and a shriek behind him. He looked in front of him and saw Qing dropping the box filled with his awards and running towards him; taking the box from his hands.

"What in the world, are you doing, Feng JianYu!" Qing looked so ashen and sounded equally as out of breath with worry.

Dayu blinked up at Qing, in surprise, not knowing what he did that was so wrong. And he's so taken aback because Qing rarely shouted at him, and it brought tears to his eyes.

"I am sorry, love...I didn't mean to shout at you..." Qing put down the box and hurriedly took Dayu into his arms; patting Dayu's back reassuringly, "Did I scare you? Sorry..." Qing took a deep breath to steady his own emotions, before continuing, "You can't lift heavy things, like these, Dayu ah.." he whispered, kissing Dayu's temple gently.

"But..the box isn't heavy.." Dayu finally understood.

"I know, that you are strong..You can do these things easily but...remember...your condition...what did the doctor told you?" Qing reminded Dayu, patiently.

"Uhmmmm...I know..." the doctor told Dayu that even though he felt as if he's still as strong as he was before the pregnancy, he must really be careful especially when it comes to lifting things. It's a confusing situation; being pregnant when you're a man your whole life. They knew that; hence they told Dayu not to compare his capability now to the capability he had before he got pregnant. There are things that he could still do but might affect the baby. One of them, is lifting things.

Qing was so shocked, that he yelled at Dayu when he saw Dayu picking the heavy box filled with books. As a man, of course Dayu had no problem lifting the box; but, he's in a delicate condition right now. It's not up to his strength anymore.

"So..No more lifting heavy things...okay?" Qing whispered again, "promise me..." Qing had no other wish right now, other than to have Dayu to stop giving him near heart attack, which was what Dayu seemed to be giving plenty of, to Qing, lately.

"Okay.." Dayu mumbled into Qing's shirt. Qing had a point. He should have been more careful. No matter how healthy and how strong he was feeling, he's still pregnant. Lifting heavy things is a big no-no.

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