Predestined 76: Stay With Me

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"Why are those things piled up like that, Wang Qing?" Dayu asked, motioning towards his underwears on the bed

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"Why are those things piled up like that, Wang Qing?" Dayu asked, motioning towards his underwears on the bed. He's as red as he can be but he would have to get used to it.

"I was thinking..." Qing grinned, "how you looked in each and everyone of these..!"

Dear God! Qing was torturing him with his pervertedness right now, and worse, Dayu didn't know whether he actually hated it or loved it.

"Or maybe you don't have to wear these at all..we should just burn all of these..." Qing recalled Dayu's sexiness when he wore his shir without his underwear on, and the shirt only covered half of Dayu's delectable derriere, and half of his little Dayu too.

Qing turned red with lust but then he felt something trickling down from his nose.

"Qing!!" Dayu gasped, "you're bleeding again!"

Qing quickly put his hand on his bleeding nose and ran to the bathroom.

This is the second time, Dayu thought,  Qing had a sudden nosebleed. It's worrying and Dayu's really concerned over Qing's health.

When Qing emerged from the bathroom several minutes later, his bleeding had stopped but Dayu was a till worried.

"Qing ah..Maybe we should go to the hospital.."

Qing frowned, "what for?"

"Your nosebleed!" Dayu exclaimed, surely Qing too felt concerned. He'd been having nosebleed frequently.

Qing almost choked. He had a nosebleed because of his perverted thoughts. Nothing more and nothing less. Should he tell Dayu this?

"I'm sure that it's just the weather..." Qing said, "don't worry, I'm alright......Now..Let's continue packing..."

Maybe I'll tell him later; the truth about my nose bleeding. Qing said silently.

Qing saw that Dayu had packed in all his underwear, by then.

He sighed half in relief and half in agony. Dayu's underwears are all sexy. Just like him.

Stop. Wang Qing! Or you'll get a nosebleed again. Qing reprimanded himself as he began diligently helping Dayu pack.

He's going to go to sleep and wake up with Dayu everyday, after this!

Qing smiled to himself, as he began whistling and humming.

He's so happy!



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