Predestined 119; Gratitude

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"You both looked refreshed

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"You both looked refreshed."

Dayu could feel himself turning red from his head to his toe; with embarrassment, as he heard what his mother had just said. Dayu glanced at her accusingly, and found that both his mother and his grandmother were beaming with obvious happiness.

"Dayu's room is really comfortable.." Qing's voice too sounded peculiar that Dayu looked from the two Feng women to his fiance sharply; and sure indeed. Qing shared the same blissful look on his mother and grandmother.

They're all crazy. His mother. his grandmother. And Qing. They're all talking about the same thing and the underlaying meaning behind the words were the same too. They had the same thoughts. All three of them.

Dayu gritted his teeth and looked away, knowing that there's no use to dispute anything; he's only one against the three of them. He was bound to lose.

Just how many mothers and grandmothers around the world who wanted their son and grandson to sleep with someone in his room in their house? Only two. To his knowledge. His own.

And Qing was taking full advantage of it. Even without telling them clearly and boldly what they wanted or expected from them, both he and Qing knew what the two women meant.

For Dayu, it meant utter embarrassment and it pissed Dayu off more than a little. While for Qing, no doubt he's just too happy and very thankful for having such a supportive in laws. No question about it.

Dayu pursed his lips, stopping himself from retorting, knowing it's a lost cause anyway.

"Someone's not satisfied, yet.." Dayu heard his grandmother commented no doubt because she saw how Dayu was scowling and she took that chance to tease him. That words too, carried double meaning, meant to rattle Dayu more.

"Grandmother. Please.." Dayu looked at his grandmother helplessly. And gasped when he felt Qing's hands snaked around his shoulders and linking them in front of Dayu.

"Qing..!" Dayu turned sharply to Qing and he almost kissed Qing accidentally. Fortunately, Dayu was quick enough to pull his face a little, away.

"Aww..You still want to kiss me, love..?" Qing murmured, taking pity of Dayu's embarrassed condition, so he's keeping his voice low, "haven't had enough, of me, yet?"

And though, Qing was considerate enough not to allow Dayu's mother and grandmother to hear his words, Dayu was still annoyed by Qing's words. And so, Dayu stepped on Qing's toe, as hard as he could making the taller man let go of his shoulders and began checking on his toes; all the while groaning painfully.

"Oops..sorry...I accidentally stepped on your toe..." Dayu smile evilly and left Qing there in the living room, walking towards the kitchen where his father was.

"Dayu..!" His grandmother and mother both called his name indignantly, but Dayu just pretended not to hear as he left the three allies there.

"What's the commotion about?" Mr Feng asked when he saw Dayu walking in, alone, "and where is Qing? Still sleeping?"

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