Predestined 127: Friendship Time

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"What's Qing's doing?" Aiden asked, as Dayu signalled them to come with him upstairs to his room leaving Qing and his band mate; Cai Zhao in the living room

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"What's Qing's doing?" Aiden asked, as Dayu signalled them to come with him upstairs to his room leaving Qing and his band mate; Cai Zhao in the living room.

"He's doing his job..As the band leader..I think Cai Zhao wanted some advice on something..." Dayu explained.

"Looks quiet serious.." Jin said, giving a final glance at the two singers, in Dayu's living room before they went out of sight.

"Yeah.." Dayu nodded, he felt it too; The heaviness in the air, when Cai Zhao came. Cai Zhao had always been someone who's very easy and very comfortable to be with. And Dayu had never felt this kind of vibe from him before. Cai Zhao really needed Qing's advice or thoughts on something very important.

"So, you guys been catching up with Linda and Mark?" Dayu smiled as they all took their favourite space in Dayu's room. Jin went to sit on the arm chair while Dayu and Aiden lounged on the bed, "you guys went to the club last night.."

"Yeah.." Aiden nodded then yawned, "we went home at two am..and guess what..?" Aiden casted a a mile at Dayu, "for the first time in my life, I wasn't nagged by my mother..would you believe that? I was half expecting her to wait up for me and lecture me like she used to.."

"Wou..!" Dayu smiled back, "really..?"

"Yup! Maybe, she had finally accepted that I am a grown up now..." Aiden said smugly, "this morning at breakfast she even told me, that if I wanted to sleep over somewhere, I just need to tell her.."

"Hmmm.." Jin chuckled, "and you weren't curious as to why your mother suddenly trusted you all of a sudden?"

"Well.. Like I said.. Maybe she finally realised that I'm not a child anymore." Aiden frowned and looked at Jin suspiciously, "is there something that I need to know?"

"Your mother and my mother had met..And we had a talk.." Jin said, and both Aiden and Dayu gasped as they sat upright on the bed in shock.

"They did?" Aiden hissed, "what kind of talk?"

"Wait- you two..Have you told your parents about the two of you item?" Dayu asked. Aiden turned to him and shook his head, "no..!"

"Yes..." was Jin's answer. Again; that got Aiden's and Dayu's attention as the two of them looked at Jin in disbelief. Aiden especially, was in a whole lot more shock, that Dayu, though.

"Come again..?" Aiden hissed.

"I told your mother yesterday..I told mine on the day I came home.." Jin said, calmly, "we are lovers. It doesn't feel right, not telling anything to our parents..I am not dating you for fun.."

Dayu gulped, "uhmmmm.." it felt awkward, Dayu felt like he's being the third wheel right now, this is a very serious and private conversation, "maybe I should leave you guys..?"

"No..!" Aiden reached out and stopped Dayu from walking off the bed, "stay.." Aiden was so shocked. He didn't think he could think properly if only he and Jin were left in the room.

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