Predestined 57: Feverish

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"Dayu ah

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"Dayu ah...Love..? Honey..? You're still mad..?"

Dayu clamped his mouth tighter and forced himself to look outside the window.

The nerve of the man! He still had the audacity to try to joke around; calling him all those, when he clearly knew that they embarrass him.

And he had the nerve to ask whether Dayu was still mad when he himself knew full that Dayu was still fuming at him.

"Dayu ah.." Qing glanced the apparently still sulking man sitting on the passenger's seat beside him. Qing sighed, when he saw that Dayu was stubbornly looking outside; which he bad been doing ever since they got into the car after Dayu's last class.

Qing remembered, the first time he met Dayu. This was exactly what Dayu was doing then. He was not looking at Qing, and he kept looking outside the window. At that time Qing thought rather crazily, about how much he wanted Dayu to look at him. And Qing was fuming that time about, what's so interesting about the traffic outside, that made Dayu pay attention to them when Dayu should have just looked at him inside the car.

That was what Qing had felt that time and that was also what Qing was feeling right now. He wanted Dayu to look at him.

But, Dayu was still looking away, ignoring Qing. Qing's voice is becoming desperate but Dayu's determination is strong.

He had been having such a rough day; he couldn't move around much, he's mostly confined to his chair and he had the hawk like eye of the man who was responsible for his ordeal, was following him around the whole day.

That afternoon, Qing waited until the last of Dayu's students exited the lecture hall before he walked down to where Dayu was sitting at his lecture desk.

"Dayu ah.."

Dayu glared at Qing, his cheeks blushing fiery red with embarrassment and anger.

Qing flinched a little knowing that Dayu was mad at him but he also couldn't help but think that Dayu looked too cute with his cheeks so red and his big beautiful eyes blinking up at Qing, accusingly.

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