Predestined 49: Perfect Two

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The two couples sat down, facing each other; a pair, in Goderich, Canada and another pair, in Beijing, China

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The two couples sat down, facing each other; a pair, in Goderich, Canada and another pair, in Beijing, China.

The silence was prolonging, as the pair in Canada eyed the pair in China taking everything into consideration. And the pair China sat back, knowing full well they're being watched.

Qing let Dayu's friends assessed him; and they're surprisingly very critical, especially Linda; who wasn't only assessing him but also assessing Dayu and no doubt assessing their relationship. As expected of Dayu's best friends. They're protective of Dayu. It's good. He had no complaints over that. He's just eager to be approved. 

As a married woman, Linda knew that look on Dayu's face. The streak of pink  shade on the apple of his cheeks, and the slight shy look in his eyes when he looked into her eyes; Linda knew.

They did it, just now. Before the video call. They did it; they made love. And it was apparently a very good one.

Good God! This is not the Dayu I knew. Linda thought. The Dayu I knew would never be caught up in passion like this. The Dayu who had never believed in the physical side of a relationship, who always said that he thought sex was just too much of a hassle- now glowing, in the aftermath of a very satisfying sex, so early in the evening, just before going on a video conference with his best friends. This is a prove enough, just how deep Dayu had fallen for the man sitting next to him.

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