Predestined 100: Cooling Down Period

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Author's Note

To celebrate Predestined Love's 100th Chapter; I would like to dedicate this chapter to the readers who had been supporting this fanfic from the beginning until now.

I have been reading all your comments and I really appreciate them all. I decided to write an extra for one of the question raised by none of my reader.

Please keep supporting QingYu fanfics. Spread the love, guys.

Thank you again, for your support.

CJ Sandra

💖💖💖💋CJ Sandra

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Special ; Nosebleed Q & A

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Special ; Nosebleed Q & A

"Where is Qing?" Wang Yu asked when he came and only Dayu was inside the room, with the rest of the Jade's knights.

It's Saturday and they decided to come together for an hour or two to discuss the songs chosen for the Jade's Knights new album, before they're finalized.

Qing came in with Dayu of course. They'd just started living together. Qing had been flaunting that fact in front of them for days.  It was both funny and exasperating seeing qing acting like a lovesick fool that he is.

Wang Yu then went out for a while to take a call, and came in only to find that Wang Qing was gone.

That really surprised Wang Yu. Usually Wang Qing would never leave Dayu alone with anybody else.

"He went out to the rest room." Qiushi said, "he had a nosebleed."

"Nosebleed?" Wang Yu asked, "what happened? Did he bump his head or something?"

"Don't know," Aroon shrugged his shoulders, "we were just teasing him and Dayu, they're living together now. Officially..Suddenly he had a nosebleed..."

Dayu blushed when Wang Yu glanced at him.

"Uhmm.." Dayu looked at Wang Yu and the rest of  the Jade's knights, deciding that he needed to ask them. Qing had had nosebleed a few times in the span of several weeks. It was worrying Dayu.

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