Predestined 179: Viral

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It finally happened

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It finally happened. One of their worst fear finally happened.

At 30 weeks and 5 days, Dayu's pregnancy was leaked to the media. After almost eight months of trying their mightiest to keep everything within the family and their closest friends only; it was revealed to the world that, Dayu was expecting Qing's child.

It started somewhere in Weibo, someone leaked a laboratory sample of a pregnancy test, bearing Dayu's name on it. At first, it was thought to be a hoax or a sick joke; as everybody knew that Feng JianYu was a man. It's preposterously impossible for a man to get pregnant. People began to slam the act as insensitive, and there were some who also began mocking the couple for it, saying that it would only happen when hell freezes over.

Then, more laboratory samples and result with Dayu's name on them, along with a few bearing both Dayu and Qing's names as the parents-to-be were uploaded. That's when it went haywire.

More and more people began to question whether the news was indeed true. It was impossible; clearly Wang Qing and Feng JianYu were both men, and they shouldn't be able to have children naturally. But there were just too many laboratory documents being uploaded, to be denied.

And then; some began to upload pictures of Dayu which some fans took when Qing and Dayu went out together. Of course, Dayu didn't look obviously pregnant in the pictures because he wore all oversized clothings and he mostly wore sweaters with jackets over them. It was the usual clothings for women who were pregnant but didn't want the pregnancy to look obvious.

And then, some began to take pictures of Dayu from the time when he and Qing were just married to recent pictures of him; which really made it more plausible for him to really be pregnant.

There were too many tell tall signs; his clothing style gradually changed from someone who wore normal sized tees to someone who wore oversized sweaters. Dayu didn't actually ballooned but it was clear that he did gain weight, especially around his midriff area. And, there was also ; as the weibo netizens argued, the unmistakeable pregnancy glow.

Dayu had always been a pretty man. But, from the pictures, he became prettier and prettier. His skin got better and better. His complexion became smoother and more alluring; which was probably why nobody took notice of his clothing style and weight gain.

Nobody thought much of any of the signs; until now.

And several hours after the first post was uploaded; where people totally rejected the news; it was completely overturned. People began to believe, despite the impossibility of the news; more and more people began to believe it.

It went viral all over China in a matter of hours.

It was so huge that weibo crashed. And, then it hit the international netizens.

By 6am that morning; Qing and Dayu's pregnancy news was the number one trending topic in all of the search engine on the internet, worldwide.


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