Predestined 121: Ending and Starting Over

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Qing realised that, he and Dayu were being watched, as they were walking in the mall

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Qing realised that, he and Dayu were being watched, as they were walking in the mall. They were being watched by quiet a lot of people, who had heard of the pretty genius boy of Canada getting hitched to the lead singer of one the biggest pop rock band in Asia; but it's different this time.

Qing could feel that they aren't being watched by curious 'fans' but someone else. Though, whenever Qing looked around, he wasn't able to catch that person.

Gritting his teeth, Qing, finally decided to lay a trap. He brought Dayu to a boutique with a unique layout, and pretended to let Dayu do his shopping on his own whilst Qing walked around, a little farther than Dayu. Though, he was actually keeping his focus on Dayu by watching him from the corner of his eyes.

Dayu frowned looking at Qing, who was looking at some clothes at the other part of the boutique. Qing had never left his side since they came into the mall.

Though, Dayu felt that it's a little strange, but he didn't think much of it. Maybe Qing just want to give him a breathing space because he had been sticking to his side like glue and he had been giving Dayu his fashion advice non-stop. With that thought, Dayu continued walking, and looking at the clothes alone.

It didn't take long before the bait, which is none other than Dayu himself,  managed to catch the prey, Qing had intended for.

As Qing pretended not to look and pay attention to Dayu, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a figure of man trailing behind Dayu, and Qing quietly and stealthily approached him.

"Hey!" Qing muttered, as he came to stand just behind the man, who was shorter than him by a few inches.

The man froze, and he slowly turned around.

Qing gritted his teeth, as he suppressed his hands from taking the man by his collar and flinging him far away from Dayu.

"Mr Liu Minzhe.." Qing said the name, through his gritted teeth. His eyes were as cold as eyes. The last time they met; Qing had made it very clear that he would never tolerate him being anywhere near Dayu.

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