Predestined Special; Side Stories, Confession

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"Yan Ming, ah.." Wang Yu, faced the tombstone, picturing the person he once loved more than life itself, smiling at him.

"This is the brat, I told you about." Wang Yu introduced Zhang Lei, reddening a little but he continued bravely, "so..You see..You have nothing more to worry about.."

Zhang Lei looked at Wang Yu; longingly, he had not seen this person for two weeks, and only God knows just how much he missed him and how much he wanted to take him in his arms.

He was lying in bed, drowning himself in another day filled with the memories he had gathered so far with the man with whom he had fallen so hard for.

His friends laughed at him when he told them that he thought that he might finally found the one. They sneered saying that they had heard it before. He had the same thinking back when he was aiming for the Professor.

Though, he knew that the feelings he had for Wang Yu was different from the feelings he had for the Professor, he couldn't explain it to his friends.

The professor was like the star, he was only able to admire and love from afar. Whilst Wang Yu, was real, as real as it can be. Someone he could reach out to and touch and kiss. And the more he tasted him, the more he wanted him.

The first moment, they met each other, that day Zhang Lei was already interested. Wang Yu was his type physically. His personality was also interesting.

Then, that night when Wang Yu got drunk; he actually talked a whole lot more than what Zhang Lei had told him. That night, he told Zhang Lei how he had never went out drinking with somebody else apart from his company staff and his family and friends, especially men, because he didn't feel comfortable with them.

Zhang Lei noticed the faint discoloration on Wang Yu's ring finger and asked him about it.

"You've been married?" Zhang Lei asked, really interestedly. He used to wear a ring but not anymore; meaning he used to be with someone but he is a single man now.

"Yes..When I was twenty..To a very handsome and sweet guy.."

"That's why you never went out drinking with other men?" Zhang Lei asked, "you've taken off your got divorced..?"

"Hahaha!" Wang Yu laughed, a little self deprecatingly, "my husband..Yan Ming, died seven years ago. Brain cancer..I married him on his death bed against his will..It was for my own selfishness. He didn't want to marry me. But I didn't want to let him go..Not until I have my ring on his finger...So he said yes...I took the ring off when I met Dayu.."

Wang Yu took another sip of his beer, "you see..I made a promise to Yan Ming. That I would find someone to love..that I would not pin away for him..But everytime I visited him on his birthday and memorial I had been unable to fulfill my promise for seven years...It must have been very hard for him to see me like that. But what to do..I couldn't move on...I thought..when I met Dayu..I could..who would have known that my cousin beat me to it..!"

"But..Don't get me wrong! When I saw my cousin..with Dayu now..I know..that those two belong to each other..and I'm happy for them..I really do..So..I was thinking..Should I wear back my ring..?? What do you think, student?"

Zhang Lei chuckled, "the name is Zhang Lei."

Wang Yu leaned forward, pulling Zhang Lei by his collar, inspecting Zhang Lei's face from just two inches distance, "you're one very good looking boy. Maybe even better looking than my cousin. Why didn't Dayu fall for you..? Wait- I know..Maybe because you're still a boy.." then he let go of Zhang Lei's collar, "I think I could fall for you too..If only you weren't seven years younger than me..And you're a top too...really, what a pity...!"

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