Predestined 114: Coming Out Season

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"Now..Both of you..Talk!" Qing had both Hiro and Aroon sitting in front of him, "just because I'm getting married; it doesn't mean that you guys could keep me in the dark of important things like this..!"

The last thing Qing had expected to hear when Cai Zhao talked about them getting their own boyfriends; he thought that he was just joking. Until he gave Hiro and Aroon, a look.

Aroon and hiro had been housemates for five years, since they started their band. They're the two members who weren't originally from The Mainland.

And then, Hiro dropped the bomb, "talking about boyfriends..This is my boyfriend." He pointed at Aroon.

Eerie silence fell in the room, as all jaw dropped but Cai Zhao's and the pair of Hiro and Aroon's.

A few seconds later, Qing stood up, "could you two come with me for moment..?" He turned to Wang Yu and Dayu then, said, "sorry ge. Dayu..Excuse us for a moment.." and then he walked out of the door, expecting Hiro and Aroon to walk behind him. And they did.

They're now, in the dining room next door, which was empty.

Aroon and hiro looked at each other, "we've been together since before you and Dayu hooked up..It just happened...And we didn't want to tell anybody because we're still not sure at that time.."

Qing frowned, "you're together but you're not sure?" Qing looked at them seriously pissed off. How come he didn't know that these two were an item. And how come Cai Zhao knew about them first?

"We thought..that we were just fooling around.." Hiro said.

"You were fooling around..I was serious since the very beginning.." Aroon cut in.

"Well..I didn't know how you felt..." Hiro looked at Aroon, "you didn't tell me..."

"We have discussed about this.." Aroon sighed, then looked back at Qing, "Hiro thought I wasn't serious..and I thought he wasn't serious..Though, I wasn't wrong...He was. I was serious..he wasn't.."

"I wasn't serious because I thought you weren't..I didn't want to get my hope high...We've been together for five years..I saw you go through several break ups.."

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