Predestined 20: Rule Breaker

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Qing kept calling Dayu all night even though he knew that his call would probably only reached the voice mail anyway

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Qing kept calling Dayu all night even though he knew that his call would probably only reached the voice mail anyway.

At first, Qing was incredulous. Then he got mad. And then he started making plans. He had laid out the rules, but he hadn't exactly thought of what he would do if the rules were broken.

Qing didn't think that Dayu would actually broke the rule at the first chance he got.

Qing managed to get a couple of hours sleep in the wee midnight hours. Then, he woke up early, took a bath and wore his one of his favorite shirt and trousers.

He looked at himself in the mirror and saw that he looked fairly calm. Then he smiled to himself. He had stopped being mad before he went to sleep at 2am this morning because he finally made up his mind about what he's going to do after he woke up.

Today, he's going to pay the pretty rule breaker, a visit and have another date with him.

And he walked out of his apartment, whistling happily to himself.


It was almost nine, and Dayu had just made his breakfast; a cup of tea and some cream crackers. He had no heart to cook anything.

Everything still tasted bland. And Dayu was still trying to forget yesterday's event.

Before he could take a sip out of his tea, though, he heard the doorbell being rung. Dayu frowned. Who could it be? Jin and Aiden are at work. Surely it's not Wang Qing- right?!? He knew this building but there are about a hundred apartment in this building. He wouldn't know which one!

Nevertheless Dayu was apprehensive when he looked into the peephole. He drew a deep relieved breath when he saw the security guard standing there.

He opened the door.

"Good morning..Mr Feng JianYu..?" The man in his fifties looked at Dayu enquiringly.

"Good morning..Yes..?" Dayu nodded.

"Sorry to trouble you sir..But I was asked to give you this. And wait for your answer..." the man gave Dayu a carefully folded paper.

Dayu blinked, looking at the security guard in confusion, then he unfolded the paper, reading what's written inside. Dayu gasped; then he turned pale.

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