Predestined 170: Mother To the Rescue

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"You're arguing

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"You're arguing..?"

Dayu was surprised to hear the sudden question from his mother but it's not like he hadn't expected it though. So, it wasn't really a big surprise.

Dayu had caught his mother's eyes, giving him and Qing a peculiar look, these past two days. And Dayu knew that his mother had probably caught up on the situation between him and Qing. So, Dayu had been waiting, actually for his mother to ask him about it. Hence, Dayu saw that there's no need to hide anything from his mother anymore. Hiding things would only make his mother more worried.

"We were...But, we aren't arguing anymore..." Dayu answered truthfully. Then, he thought about it and he amended, "actually..we were not really arguing...I just got mad at him. That's all.."

Feng Lin glanced at her son, who was doing the dishes with her. She waited until Qing went to talk with the others at the living room, before opening the talk with Dayu.

She'd sensed the abnormality between Qing and Dayu less than hour after arriving here, two days ago. At first she thought that she's just imagining it; that it was just her jet lag working overtime; but it became more and more apparent after that.

At first glance, everything looked normal and well. Qing and Dayu were talking normally, but, that's what made it seemed too suspicious. It was too 'normal'. Usually, her son in law would stick to Dayu more and he'd tease Dayu more, and Dayu would snap at Qing once in a while but, in these two days, none of that happened.

Dayu never snapped at Qing. In fact Dayu gave Qing nothing but smiles; which was really unlike how Dayu usually behaved. Feng Lin might have not taken it seriously, knowing that Dayu's pregnant and she would have blamed Dayu's change of behaviour on a pregnant person's hormones; if it was only Dayu.

But, Qing's not 'normal' as well. He obviously keeping his distance from Dayu, as if he's afraid of getting to close and make Dayu angry. Her usually clingy son in law didn't cling to Dayu like he usually does. And Qing's behaviour was the giveaway, that there's something going on between the two.

"What's going on, exactly?" Feng Lin asked, gently and cautiously. If this happened a year ago; when Dayu wasn't yet pregnant, of course Feng Lin would have straight away interrogated Dayu more intensely.

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