Predestined 149: Hormonal Rampage

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"I'm getting weird

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"I'm getting weird..." Dayu said, looking at Linda through the laptop screen. His cheeks were reddening with embarrassment and he couldn't believe that he's about to consult Linda on this but he had to. He had no choice.

"What do you mean?" Linda asked, eyeing Dayu with concern. When Dayu called her earlier to ask her if she could spare some time for him, that he needed her advice on something, she was already concerned. Dayu didn't sound like his usual self. And now, looking at Dayu, Linda knew for sure that Dayu was not his usual self. And Dayu's admitting to it.

Dayu looked at Linda, then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening his eyes and faced Linda unflinchingly. He's reddening, with embarrassment even before he started to speak of the situation he's facing but, he knew that he needed to talk to someone about this. And Linda is the only person he's comfortable enough to ask about this, for the time being. Dayu knew, he had a medical team, and two of them could provide professional counseling for this situation he's facing but, he's not that comfortable talking about to people he's not that close to, for now. And, this is also not a medical situation that he needed to consult with a doctor.

"What should I do, Linda..? I think I'm becoming too sensitive..And I am scared that my sensitivity would drive Qing away... Dayu finally cracked under the pressure he had been feeling and holding back, for several days. He looked at Linda, with his eyes tearing up and his voice cracking up with pain.

"What do you mean, Dayu ah..?" Linda asked, her concerns were doubling up seeing Dayu's reaction. In all the years that she had known Dayu; she had never once, saw Dayu in obvious pain and grimness like he's in, at the moment. Even through the laptop screen, Dayu's pain was very obvious and he was not even hiding it. This is alarming.

"I snapped at Qing..No..It was worse than that. I screamed at him and I even threw things at him..!" Dayu cried, tears of regret trickled down his cheeks then. He still remembered that incident two days ago; he had been replaying it in his mind over and over again and each time he did, he became even more regretful and it became even more painful. He had never screamed at Qing like that before and he had never lost his temper like that before. Not only to Qing but he had never even acted like that with anybody, in all his life. His action shocked Dayu himself, even. He didn't even realised that he was screaming and throwing things at Qing before he heard the crashing sounds.

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