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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
I still remember it, how they threw their hateful words at me.
"You can never be a good shinobi"
"Weak as ever, aren't you"
"Stay down, weakling"
"You don't even have parents"
It's true, I don't have parents, but I know what I am. I was supposed to be a weapon for the spirits who created me. Why did they make me like this? How can a weapon that's weak, is useful? I must have meaning on this world. I'm weak, how I can be strong? I just need to see a bit of blood, I guess..

I've always tried to find my meaning. I know my meaning is supposed to be a weapon for my creators. But, I've became stronger. Like, on top of my class like Sasuke. I always hated him. He was always a jerk to Naruto. Sasuke doesn't even know his pain. Even though, his clan was killed except him, I still don't get it. He knew his parents, but Naruto didn't. I believe Naruto has potential. He probably has more meaning than I do. I hated Sakura even more, does she even have a good goal? Oh, it's all about Sasuke isn't it? Ino and the most of the other girls do like Sasuke. But, it does look like they know their ninja stuff. Dachi has a past similar to Naruto, he never knew his parents. Except he isn't that loud and not that bad academically. I've heard that Dachi's parents died from having war with the Hidden Mist, that's all I heard at least. I was bullied when I was younger for being weak.

Sasuke always looked down on people who was weaker. Just who does he think he is? I figured out that I had a kekkai genkai. But, I don't know what's it's called. It's on my right palm, I usually use black gloves to cover both of my hands. Don't the girls who like Sasuke, have any life? I don't believe in love, but maybe, it's possible.

I sat on third row of the class. It's a good distance in my opinion. No one sits next to me. I always hear gossips behind and everywhere. I usually ignore people. "Class dismissed", Iruka-Sensei said.


I got up from my seat and walked away. I walked alone since I didn't have any friends to walk to. Either Naruto or Dachi. What's the point of having friends anyway. I passed through Sasuke, I shot him a dirty look. And he shot it back. Then, we started walking away.

Then, I remembered something:

Graduation is tomorrow.

It's probably gonna be easy to graduate. And we get assigned teams. Hope my team won't be useless.

Hope you guys are enjoying this so far. I do not own any images or videos I put here. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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